

  • got your heart in a headlock

    Starring a grumpy theater major, a green-eyed, blue-haired terror, a club of twenty-something misfit dreamers, too much coffee to possibly be healthy, and general mayhem. horikashi, college!au.

  • cadence

    On the cusp of the truth. yukiatsu/tsuruko, one-shot.

  • memento mori

    She misses him like a physical ache. hisalisa, one-shot.

  • vino veritas

    Ever think of calling when you've had a few? taiga/ryuuji, canon-divergence!au.

  • tongue-tied

    She's always left him speechless. mazume, drabble.

  • all is fair in love and war

    We deserve each other. anaru/yukiatsu, one-shot.

  • wishbone

    I knew that Haruhi's schemes rarely weren't somewhat questionable, but running away the night before graduation? Count me out. unrequited kyon/haruhi

  • iridescent

    A countdown in technicolor. twelve-centric, one-shot.

  • tick tock

    It was only a matter of time. sanetoshi/momoka, one-shot.

  • drink me deeply

    I drown in you again. shoma/ringo, drabble.

  • anchovies and pineapple

    In which Edgeworth orders pizza, Phoenix delivers, and things don't quite turn out the way they had expected. narumitsu, one-shot.

  • cosmic

    The calm before the storm. himari-centric, one-shot.

  • strangers

    Because all of those pretty lies and slivered smiles- well, they can make up for a pile of rubble and those broken, broken walls. momoka/yuri/tabuki, one-shot.

  • workplace hazards

    If there's one thing that Sinbad has learned in this one-sided battle of fits and starts, it's that Ja'far is not an opponent to be taken lightly. sinja, lawyer!au.

  • spring fling

    Despite having a reverse harem of no less than seven completely and totally straight guys, Haruka Nanami just can't seem to get a date. Shedding her shy persona for just one day, she decides to go after various members of her reverse harem in the hope that she might be able to find true love. Totally serious collab with FujikoIzu.