
  • Back to the Drawing Board

    Dean Thomas is unfairly sacked from his Wizarding Wireless Network programme, and two mutual friends must work together to help him find a way forward. SSHG friendship, pre-romance.

  • Still Life

    The thirtieth anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts is days away, end of term looms, and trouble is brewing with the Hogwarts portraits. What's the new Hogwarts Headmistress to do? Pre-SSHG, one-shot, written for the 2018 SSHG Promptfest.

  • What We Owe to Udders

    Lucius is missing. Draco is in danger of losing his allowance. Severus needs Lucius's help to fulfill a contract. Hermione needs career advice. Warning: contains dairy. EWE.

  • The Spy Who Stayed For Tea

    Moriarty's return catches the world by surprise, but it's only part of a much larger problem. Mary's former employer tracks her down to ask for her help. Spoilers for Sherlock S3 and CA:TWS/MCU.

  • Conformational Dynamics in Multiprotein Complexes

    Boy likes girl. Girl likes boy, but used to be married to his brother. Girl seeks Potions Master to cool her ardor, Potion Master seeks book from Collector. Collector wants a special favor. HG/BW/SS/LM, foursome, molecular biology, one-shot.

  • The Thin Purple Line

    She showed up on the worst day of his life with a puzzle. He never trusted pugs bearing gifts. Written for the 2009 Ron/Pansy Fest. Non-canon character death, wand lore, epilogue-compliant, implied minor slash pairing.

  • The Will of the Stone Barn Council

    The question isn't where we go at the end of our lives. The question is what we do when we know it's coming. Crookshanks calls a council to help him decide on a successor to ensure that his family will be properly cared for when his time comes. Warnings: discussions of death and pet loss, rhyming verse, literary homage.

  • Death by Express, or, The Affair of the Flying Train

    The Hogwarts Express is sabotaged, and a passenger is found dead. Minerva McGonagall must team up with Magical Law Enforcement to investigate. She finds that all is not as it seems. Inspired by Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express," minor character death.

  • In the Shadow of Chipping Clodbury

    An ambush by goblin wand rights activists forces Hermione to delve into the secrets of the past in hopes of making equality for all magical beings a reality. Eventually SS/HG, contains Pottermore info, (fantasy) racist language, political themes.

  • Late Shift at Palindrome

    Ron leaves his job as an Auror and his engagement in one fell swoop. His jilted fiancée is out for blood and is displeased to find that Ron has a staunch defender in his new employer and that he's more than capable of standing up to her. SS/HG (side HP/DM) EWE, Ron POV, EXTREMELY rude bits, potentiallly triggery references to non-con (canon), miscarriage, and PTSD.

  • Infinite Design: Truth and Mendacity (Draft 1)

    Salvador Maltings, reclusive author/artist of Infinite Design, an award-winning series of graphic novels, submits the following proposal an alternative-universe origin story for one of his series' most popular characters, featuring his own death as a plot point. His in-book self's inspiration? A woman named Hermione Granger. How much is truth and how much is fiction?

  • Recapitulation

    Hermione desperately wants to make a good impression on her son's first serious boyfriend, but when he arrives wearing a dead man's face, she has more questions than simply the young man's intentions toward her son.

  • The Thickened Light

    Hermione finds signs of a health threat to the wizarding world near a hidden chateau in Avignon, but is she prepared for what she'll find inside? SSHG possible LM , VERY ADULT CONCEPTS.

  • The Silver Doe

    Unbeknownst to Harry, Hermione sees who casts the silver doe in the Forest of Dean, and she becomes even more determined to save Harry and Severus. Pastiche with Noyes's The Highwayman. EWE, SSHG, character deaths.

  • Bound and Shagged

    On the eve of a Big Birthday, Lucius is painfully aware of all that's missing from his life and exactly how much scheming will be required to obtain it. SS plus HG and a side of LM, overflowing with rude bits, so don't read if that doesn't appeal.

  • The Dead Never Truly Leave Us

    Hermione discovers a cupboard filled with memories of a friend long gone and gives her a long overdue send off. One shot. Minor character deaths. SS/HG

  • The Great Pixie Dust Up

    Severus Snape, whose magical equivalent of general relativity has revolutionized spell casting, is content to ignore the larger ramifications of his work until circumstances conspire to bring it to his attention. Written for the 2010 Snuna Exchange. SS/LL

  • A Comedy of Manors

    Lucius hires Hermione, a marriage consultant, to find a bride for Severus, secretly scheming to pair them up. What he gets is a bit more than he bargained for. LM/HG.

  • The Fine Art of Fine Print

    Hogwarts' headmistress threatens the integrity of the school with her reforms, so the Minister sends his most talented Unspeakable undercover to bring her down from within. What Hermione finds will change her life forever. SSHG

  • The Love For three Lemons

    Luna sees more than she should and decides to act, and Severus must intervene. SS/LL, one-shot.