• Diggory's Delusion

    Diggory had to give Potter credit for the Power he had using every curse and hex he knew to protect Hermione that Diggory thought was too late as she should been his first priority. The Aurors captured and arrested the remaining Death Eaters; he had waited patiently for this moment to united with his girlfriend and soon to be his wife as she had promised and he could wait a little.

  • Diggory's Obsession

    his interest with Potter turned towards a little girl with wild curly hair and her teeth a bit longer in the front, there was nothing unique about this girl but he couldn't take his eyes off her as the girl was talking logically about the enchanted ceiling in the Great Hall that she read about in Hogwarts, a History.

  • The Wolf's Unwanted Child

    Danielle Wolf had a hard life and at the age of twelve breaks into the Mansion to steal some items to sell and comes across a feral man that has the same abilities as her own, the animal like man knows the small girl is his flesh and blood by scent alone and she reluctantly doesn't want anything to do with the man that left her before she was born with her drug using mother.

  • Finding His Mate

    During Lupin's sixth/seventh year at Hogwarts, he always liked Severus Snape and was secretly attracted to the boy of Slytherin House. the wolf knows that Snape is his mate, but will he claim the one he desires or deny his feelings and stay friends with the ones that torment Snape. Based on the memory of Snapes and my take on it.

  • Remus and Veronica Part 1

    Severus Snape has a daughter around the same age as Harry Potter who was bitten by Fenrir Greyback, Veronica Snape used to be close to her father and wants to be again, but Severus wants nothing to do with her. 12 years later Veronica Snape is starting School in Hogwarts and there staying at Grimmauld place she finds her mate who happens to be her DADA Professor, Remus Lupin.

  • A Broken Heart Leads To Better Things

    Hermione has been sleeping with Severus a a form of comfort during the war, Granger is in love with the Potions Master, Snape's heart belongs to one woman that shunned him many years ago to marry his enemy and father to her best friend. As Hermione is broken hearted and breaking inside little by little, another Slytherin pines and trying to show the witch that he loves her more.

  • Willow's Move To Manhattan Part 2

    Willow now ready to give birth to her daughter and many changes in Goliath and Elisa's relationship making them realize their feelings towards each other. Through those chaotic months there is a new danger towards the gargoyles that endangers the life of not Willow's daughter but also the life of Alexander Xanatos.

  • Remus and Veronica Part 3

    The third and last part to the story- Veronica has awoken and sees her ex-lover standing over holding her hand. As Remus wants rekindle the love they once shared Veronica wants nothing to do with him as she won't ever let him break her again. Will she let Remus back into her life like before or move on to another relationship as she found herself interested in the Charlie Weasley.

  • Remus and Veronica Part 2

    Remus has decided to break thing off with Veronica when Dumbledore finds out about the affair. Veronica's heart is broken and her inner wolf is shattered that her mate doesn't want her. to put salt on open wounds Remus announces his engagement to Nymphadora Tonks - things goes bad to worse when one jealous Pansy Parkinson get's involved. Part three coming up soon