

  • Shared Sweet, Of Our Mouths

    "Dean has never had any best friend other than Cas, but he is fairly sure that of all the other best friends in the world, 99% of them have never ended a sentence with "The ice-cream sharing was enjoyable."" Dean and Cas might be best friends but that does not mean Dean is sharing his ice cream with him. No way. Never. Destiel fluff. Kid fic.

  • Tears, Cradled In Your Hands

    ""My apologies, Dean. I don't know what happened to me." But Dean just smiles, a smile that looks strangely sad. "You never cried before, Cas?"" Castiel learns what it's like to cry. Dean teaches him what it's like to be comforted. Destiel. Set in late Season 5.

  • Nearer than the Sky

    "He tries to pretend that Hobbes can be wrong, that some things can stay the same forever, even when the universe ends, even when they're nothing but memories, floating in the night, leaving burning trails like shooting stars." Calvin's always known he's different. He just didn't know how much. Or how far away that leaves him.

  • Lost In Words, Hand In Hand

    ""I-" and Castiel says the words quickly. "I could always read you some other pieces of literature" and the angel looks away as if he expects Dean to run out of the room." Dean would be the first to admit he's not a reader. Castiel has a way to remedy that. It involves a lot of reading aloud. And a lot of lying on the same bed. But that's just an accident. Destiel. S8/9

  • Crushed Hell, Ripped Heaven Open

    "They are black eyes and blue, chains and wings, ripping metal and tearing feathers, heaven and hell locked in a stare. They are an angel and a demon and they are heaven and hell and sometimes, they don't know which is which." They are heaven and hell, crushed together and ripped open. Destiel/Holy Hell. Post s9. Inspired by the song "Devils Don't Fly."

  • Distract and Surrender

    "Dean doesn't know what this says about him but there's a part of him that likes getting Cas distracted." Cas has to realise, with that little pout and that concentrated little frown, he's kind of begging for Dean to distract him. And hey, it's not good to work too hard. Destiel.

  • Without Sight, Tucked Up In Your Mind

    "Now, thinking of Cas with a blindfold over his eyes, with his hands out, reaching to trace over Dean's skin-less of a good idea. Even if only one part of his brain's telling him that. Another part's basically begging him to see where it goes." It can be dangerous being bored. It can lead to things like Dean agreeing to play Blind Man's Bluff with Cas. Destiel.

  • The Middle-School Route

    "It's been two weeks since they saw that musical, four days since Cas turned up again and two minutes since Dean avoided Cas's eyes for the fortieth time and Sam's had enough. He's tried handling this the adult way. Now it's time to go for the middle school route." Musicals can lead to drastic measures. Namely, Sam locking Dean and Cas in a closet until they come to their senses.

  • A Practice in Improvisation

    "Castiel decides the best way to go about this is to simply be direct. So he looks straight at Dean and asks him "Dean, how can I be sure that I have sufficient prowess in varying forms of sexual activity?" Castiel might be an angel again but he hasn't forgotten certain human curiosities. Which can be inconvenient. Until Dean offers to help him "practice". Destiel. Season 9.

  • Rescued, Under Artifical Nights

    "He'll probably never see him again, that weird kid with the weird name and the trenchcoat. That's the sort of story some people probably tell at their weddings or something-how they got rescued in a bus shelter under the artificial night and started talking on the bus and their rescuer got distracted by their big blue eyes. Or something." Destiel.

  • Shaking Sweetness, Just Now And Then

    "Every time Dean gets a glimpse of those big blue eyes, he feels as if he's shaking and he can taste sticky-sweet memories on his lips and the sheer strangeness of Cas's fingers sliding through his." Dean knows he and Cas are close. OK, pretty close. But that's all they are. There's nothing weird between them. Nothing at all. Inspired by "Jenny" by the Studio Killers. Destiel.

  • Still There, These Colour-Stained Memories

    "He knows that it doesn't matter what he does with the art smock. He knows that whenever he closes his eyes, he'll see that memory. The fall leaves crunching under his feet. Breath tearing at his throat. Cas's hand in his." Their whole lives, Cas has been an artist and Dean's held on, until all there is are memories. Inspired by "Art Smock" by Pains of Being Pure At Heart. AU.

  • Blue That Grows Brighter

    "While he'd never admit it, Dean would have to say, if only to himself, that these days, Cas's eyes might be his favourite sight in the world." Dean keeps getting distracted by Castiel's eyes. It might be easier if they weren't so damn pretty. Inspired by the song Prettiest Eyes by the Beautiful South.

  • To Burn So Bright

    "In all his years as an angel, Castiel has never once touched a star." Castiel thinks of what he has lost, but all he can do is watch the stars and wish he could grab one, hold it, until it burns, burns until there is nothing left. Set immediately after Season 6 Episode 20 "The Man Who Would Be King." Destiel.

  • Perchance to Dream

    ""Look, dude-" He sighs, tugs at the bedcovers. "Why'd you like to watch me sleep?" Castiel swallows. He wants to answer Dean's question but he's not entirely sure how to." Castiel has taken to visiting Dean's dreams. And his hotel room. While he sleeps. That's the first surprising thing. The second surprising thing is that Dean goes along with it. Set in late Season 5. Destiel.

  • Hard to Get

    "It's when Castiel gets them thrown out of a bar that Dean knows things have got out of hand." Dean's going to get to the bottom of why Castiel's ignoring him, even if it takes a fight. And Sam's just trying to avoid seeing anything between them that could leave him mentally scarred. Destiel.

  • The Angelic Mary Sue

    Castiel is unsure how to change Dean Winchester's feelings towards him. The Internet seems an obvious choice to look for answers. However, when Castiel comes across the concept of fanfiction, and learns that the heroes are frequently depicted falling in love with Mary Sues, all seems clear. Dean is a hero. Therefore, Castiel must attempt to imitate a Mary Sue. Destiel.

  • Weakness

    "Ever since he was young, Tom Riddle has hated weakness." Tom Riddle knows what weakness is, and he knows how to play with it.

  • Six Times Sirius Black Looked At Him

    Six times Sirius Black looked into Remus Lupin's eyes and one time he looked away.

  • Just for a Moment

    "Ginny Weasley has always hated Draco Malfoy from the moment she set eyes on him, which is the only reason she thinks about him sometimes. Just sometimes." Ginny/Draco.