

  • Stone Damballah

    Why not take a chance on Vodoun, when there is nothing to lose and everything to gain? (Fiona Goode x Marie Laveau smut, written for drippingwithsin.)

  • Phantom Pains

    "So it's true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love." Years after her death, Kyle Spencer still misses Fiona Goode enough to try to divine some conversation out of her in his own way. He doesn't know how to use tarot cards, but he sure as shootin' can play gin rummy.

  • Hothouse Blooms

    There used to be another woman like that in Fiona's life: another woman with long blonde hair and a voice like honey and clover, another witch who cloaked herself in whiteness. This time, though, the shadows are coming out to play. (Fiona Goode x Misty Day smut, and a little romantic nostalgia for good measure.)

  • Undertow

    Fiona has a literary tattoo. Madison is intrigued. (Fiona x Madison, smutty toward the end.)

  • Time's Exhilarations

    In some alternate timeline, it's Cordelia that goes to meet with the witch hunters, but she's not as well-prepared as her mother was. Nobody kills Fiona Goode's daughter except Fiona Goode.