
  • Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus

    AU where the witches actually die when they're burned, and Binx ends up living with the family. Queue Max and Allison who want to help return Binx to his human form. My summaries always suck sorry. Max/Binx, rated M for eventual happy times.

  • Top of the World

    Hiccup and Jack decided to take a break from each other once they entered college to "meet new people". Or rather, Jack decided and Hiccup went along with it. But try though he might, he can't get the white haired boy out of his head. (I suck at summaries. Read for a decent story, one of my favorite poems, and kissies)

  • Catch You on the Flipside

    Jack is dead. Well, sort of dead and now finds himself struggling to live again. He and his partner have wound up in "The Void" where they must fight against the other inhabitants there for a second chance at life. (Cooler than it sounds, my summaries are terrible xD) Hijack, rated M for eventual happy times.