
  • The Masks We Hide Behind

    Banished from Asgard, Loki finds himself in the company of Jane and her friends (and all of SHIELD's Avengers). He's broken in every way possible emotionally and mentally. He makes things difficult for those around him, acting out to deal with his emotions. Then Loki meets Darcy, who doesn't judge him, doesn't try to fix him. She just shows him how to recover.

  • Text Me When We're Both Sober

    Dean is seventeen. He should be in his junior year of high school, playing for his school's baseball team and doing college apps. Instead, he's landed himself in rehab, for substance and drug abuse. He's bitter, reeling, full of anger and shame and confusion. Two days later, his therapy group gets their final addition - Castiel. Maybe now rehab won't be so bad. Destiel

  • The Girlfriend Trap

    When Natasha gets an assignment to kill Clint Barton, she thinks it's an impossible task. But when her sister, Alina, offers her a way to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D., well . . . Nat would be idiotic not to accept it. Problem is, she now has to convince all the Avengers that she is Alina. And the biggest challenge comes in the form of Alina's fiance: Clint Barton. Clintasha

  • To See You Standing There

    Dean lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It's a small town, and self-contained. Dean's always dreamed of leaving it one day, maybe moving to Chicago or NY. That's before he stops in at Heavenly Fire, a coffee shop co-owned by one Castiel and his brother. Dean and Cas meet, only to lose everything after falling in love.

  • A Stained Soul is the Color of Ashes

    Sherlock comes down with a bout of amnesia after a case gone wrong. Of course, nobody knows it but him - they think he just had a bad head wound, but he'll be fine in no time. That's true; he will be fine. Amnesia is just another case to solve, another puzzle to complete. ABANDONED

  • The Paradox of an Unfinished Rhapsody

    "The laws of celestial mechanics dictate that when two objects collide there is always damage of a collateral nature." And the laws beg the question: who bears the devestation? Sherlock or John? (Companion piece to "Save You Tonight". Slight Johnlock)

  • Save You Tonight

    Sherlock swore he was fine and not precisely in love with John before Moriarty swanned into his life and made him fake a suicide. And now he's not so sure about anything. Because everything has changed. One-sided Johnlock.

  • Sun And Steel

    Darcy being with Sif was never imagined a possibility, since it was written in the stars that Sif would be Thor's, and Thor would be Sif's. But just for a little while, Darcy and Sif are content to defy reality and fate to be together. Their love is worth fighting for. (girl/girl, lesbians, femslash).

  • It's A Little Bit Complicated

    Magnus doesn't understand why he's attracted to Alec. He really doesn't; Shadowhunters aren't even his type. What makes Alec so different? Hints at future Malec, pre-relationship oneshot.

  • Illusion in his Touch

    John is just relieved that he has Sherlock, that he no longer has to live without the best part of him. He muses on their intense relationship and compares how he felt before Sherlock and after he did. A post-Reichenbach oneshot I forgot I had until now (pre series 3, though). Hints/mentions of Johnlock.

  • Here's To The Last Time I'll Ever Kiss You

    In which River Song contemplates her relationship with the Doctor, does some emotional introspect, and mourns the end of a relationship she cared about.

  • Missed Memories and Details

    It turns out that it is a perfectly acceptable day to die. An alternate ending to "The Great Game", in which Irene Adler does not change Moriarty's mind. A oneshot told from Sherlock's point of view. There's Johnlock if you put on your goggles and squint.