
  • Ark Acres

    Bellamy is the new ranch hand at Ark Acres, an old friend to Clarke Griffin, but just because they used to be friends, doesn't mean she has to be happy about him working there, right?

  • Surprise Surprise

    AU where Bellamy and Clarke are married, and they both have a surprise for each other.

  • Missed Messages

    AU smut where Clarke purposefully doesn't respond to Bellamy's texts.

  • Relationship Advice

    Oneshot where Bellamy is texting Clarke for relationship advice, and things between the two change quickly.

  • Under the Starlit Sky

    Not my best title, and not my best story. But this is my first fanfic, hope you like it :) It's got some heavy Bellarke action. Any and all feedback welcome! Also, names for a title. I'm not overly fond of this title.