
  • The Return of Ben Solo

    AU: The Jedi Academy has been destroyed. Luke Skywalker has disappeared. Kyla Ren and the First Order are wreaking havoc. Ben Solo might be able to help stop them, but only if he can overcome his fear of losing himself to the Dark Side. And that is something Kyla Ren wants to see happen. Dark!Rey! Light!Ben!

  • Not A Good Cop

    Harvey Bullock is not a good cop, but James Gordon is making him remember what it was like to be one.

  • Florimel of Amber

    Flora wasn't as loved as Deirdre. As powerful as Fiona. As noble as Llewella. But even at the beginning, she was a Princess of Amber. References to sexual assault, but mostly concerned with how Flora and Eric became close.

  • Curiosity

    Of all his vices, there's only one Dorian truly feels any longer.

  • Fake Leo

    "You're a fraud! Nothing but a fake Leo Fitz, and I hate you!" (A plot bunny that wouldn't go away.)

  • Guilt Is For Lesser Beings

    A lesser being would feel guilt. He is above such things, of course. Professor Pericles reflects on what has become of his Dear Ricky ...