Grim Deathly

  • Dark Companion

    The Teen Titans have one more member. Grim Deathly. Coming from the combination of demon summoning and mechanics Grim is part demon part human and shunned by all. He can transform, teleport, shoot energies, and summon random objects. This is his story. I do not own Teen Titans or anyone other than Grim and a few others.

  • Fiber Heart

    Ryuko's father made more than just the Scissors blade and Senketsu. He also created Grim Katto, The Anti-Fiber. With the ability to absorb the Life-Fiber he could be the Savior of mankind. But with a limited lifespan he is pressed for time. So why is he wasting his time at the student council? Specifically around one Nonon Jakuzure.

  • Strawberries and Cherries

    Hinagiku, she is sweet, kind, and beautiful. She is his strawberry scented love. Grim, he is kind, completes her, and makes everything better. He is her cherry topping. Will Hinagiku choose her cherry topping? Or will she choose blueberries instead?

  • Grim Lorkir: The Multi Lantern

    Meet Grim Lorkir, he is the last of his race and a Green Lantern. Or... At least that's what he was at first. He has always wondered one thing. "What if one could use all their emotions with the ring?" Then he finds the red, blue, orange, and pink lanterns. Follows cannon.