• Little Sis

    Rocky is helping a frusterated Cece with her book report when Logan chooses the worst possble moment to walk in and ends up tipping Cece over the edge. After Rocky makes him realize what a jerk he's been he goes after Cece to make up for being a horrible big brother

  • Keely Potter, A Rose with Thorns

    A Little Rose-Rewrite. Harry was never born, instead the potters had twins: Keely Rose and Liam James. James and Lily both survived the night at godrics hollow but left Keely to be raised by the (admittedly nice) Dursleys beliveing her to be a squib and prefering to raise her brother the saviour. Now Keely recives a mysterious letter. She's going to turn their lives upside down!

  • A Little Rose

    What if Harry were Lillian Rose potter? What if she was the lesser twin of the supposed boy-who-lived? And what happenes when she turns eleven and decides its time to show her parents, her brother and the entire magical comunity what shes worth? bit of canon. JUST HIT 19172 VEIWS

  • Doki Doki

    Syo's been having a tough week. He keeps forgeting his meds and Ai-senpai has been working his too hard. What happens when he has a heart attack after a recording session and not to mention infront of HEAVENS! Poor Syo. He's so insecure thinking that STARISH is going to kick him to the curb. Oneshot. No pairings.

  • Gambatte Nagi!

    After storming out from rehearsals Nagi ends up bumping into Syo infront of the hospital. He end up spending the day with Syo and his twin brother Kaoru. Nagi learns that Syo doesn't live the carefree life he thinks he does when Syo's heart condition comes to light and Nagi learns that it's okay to ask for help and ends up gaining a new friend. Dedicated to UnderdogHero "3

  • Fallen Angel

    there's a new gypsy divination proffesor. how will this afect snape, lily and the maruaders? New friends, betrayel, love in the most unlikley places. How will the marauders react to snapes violent past with his father? or the reason he was 'snivlling' on the train. just how much of his innocence has been lost? Being re-written