

  • Cold flame

    Leana a girl who dreams to become a cave explorer, falls down a cave in greek. There she is rescued by a strange man cloaked in black cloathing who claims to be Hades. He promtly steals her first kiss. But wat she doesnt know is her meeting him has set a chain of events in motion , wich could very well decide the future of the world we know

  • zetsuboū no sakura, budding

    A Dutch woman, Melissa van Rijn decides to go to japan to studie the samurai there. But its the year 1864, Japan is in turmoil. She is captured by the samurai opposing the westernizing of japan and is allowd to live with them as she wittnisses the bloody bakumatsu and the falling of the last samurai.

  • A love from my past live

    Chiyo visit out of curiosity the koibito sakura tree at her grandparents village. There she is mysteriously cast into the 1500 of japan. A age full of war. In this bloody age she befriends a Youko named Shiroe, who has lost his family to humans. Together they travel around japan while there is something else blooming than friendship between them.

  • Turned to ash

    One shot about a girl name Lia who becomes the bride of her childhood friend and lover. The Earl Ash. But he is a vampire.