
  • To Die Alone

    Everyone dies alone, they say. But then again, Hiccup was never really one for following rules, was he? Oneshot

  • Time for a Movie: Training Dragons

    I decide to make all the characters from HTTYD watch their movie, I happened to notice there were too little amount of finished ones of these, so I decided to do my own. This story also contains spoilers, but only for future books in 'The Travellers' series. Feel free to try and guess which parts have the spoilers. Hope you like it!

  • Malcolm in trouble: a non existent scene

    This pops in just as Malcolm gets thrown in the air by the tyrannosaurus. Was done for an English assignment, but I decided it would be better for it to be in Malcolm's POV. Some insights onto his past and a damaged leg? Yet he still retains the dry humour... I like that... One-shot.

  • The Travellers: A Rangers Life

    Part one in the travellers series: Three seemingly normal school kids are just minding their own business, when without warning they are sucked into a completely different world, yet how is it they can recognise it? And is one truly who they say they are? Or has his life the others have been led to believe he had, a lie? Here comes the chaos...