
  • Poisonous love

    Ester and Loki have been friends since they were but children. But when Thor is banished, the burden is resting on their shoulders, but neither want to be rulers, they want everything to burn. They want to prove them self worthy, but when Thro returns, everything falls apart. (Lokixoc)

  • I'm not the same

    Sharn was always said to be an Orc. But Azog founds out her true self. They once hated each other. But when Azg helps Sharn form her destiny, will love form?(summary is really bad, please read though)May be rated m for later chapters.

  • More precious than The Arkenstone

    Aria met Thorin when they were but children. Watch as they grow up and a heart is thawed. But when the dragon comes, it'll change everything, as will the quest. But what happens to someone as precious as the Arkenstone? Read on to find out...

  • A Jays feather

    A jays feather can be a sign. This time it's a threat. Jay joins the co agony to reclaim Erebor. Only thing is, she had a deal with Mayag, and what about a certain soon to be king that she leaned to love? And what bout the pale Orc? This time, that feather isn't a good thing, it's the sign of a sacrifice...

  • Frozen heart

    Winter was found alone by the levels of Rivendell, she has a great power that must be put under control. If not then it could be the weapon that the orcs need. But can a certain son of Elrond help? (Please read even though the summary sucks)

  • Who knew?

    Who knew theres a place worse than ours? There is. And our animatronics have been sent their to put an end to the killing murder. Stakes will be high, and nothing is as it seems. Will they succeed? Summary sucks but story is better!