
  • The Mortal Son

    Mankind is losing. He knows this... He cannot keep beating back the tide. Like a rock against the ocean, over time Mankind will be worn away and then destroyed. This in mind, it's time for Him to try something... new. Well... new-ish.

  • Fury

    "He was a violent spirit, a soul touched with Fury" "Was?" Rogue snorted, "seems to be the case still" Padre just shook his head softly, "with the death of Jackie Welles, I would think his hatred has returned". V's been good at plenty of things in his life, most work comes to him naturally. But his most exceptional talent, has been, and always will be, killing.

  • I'm back

    "I could make a life for myself, carve my own path and live happily... but that snake faced bastard is still out there somewhere, and I won't rest until he's dead. And if I fail? Well, what's another body among foundations?" (Inspired by Kathryn518's I'm still here) (Time Travel, Family Magic, AU)

  • Equilibrium

    "Harry" the boy looked at the other, "That's all that matters. Someday, somewhere, somehow.. we're gonna kill him. We're gonna break him" a vicious smile blossomed across the others face, "we're gonna rip every single thing he's cared about, all of his achievements and all of his plans into shreds. And why's that?" Harry grinned savagely, "because we're Potters". "Exactly"

  • Fire & Gold

    Deep in the depths of the Black Mountain sleeps an ancient creature... well, not so ancient as you might think. Some stuff with a killing curse, a pinch of black magic, stir with a very fortunate bloodline, a touch of friendly half-giant, some sprinkled blatant Animagus talent, and young Harry Potters life just got more interesting faster than you can say, "DRAGON!"

  • Apex - The Perfect Predator

    A creature created by one of the Sannin. Offensive, defensive, hunting, hiding, tracking, stealth, this creature excels in all. The perfect predator, with an ever evolving potential. Something that the Ninja world is not ready for. The Apex Species, the ultimate Hunter.

  • Unknown Jinchuuriki

    Raised by Kakashi, Naruto grew up with the knowledge that he is in fact the Kyuubi vessel. However, unknown to all the public, apart from a few select people, is that Naruto holds more then just the Kyuubi. An ancient force resides within the blonde, and it will bring upon a new era of darkness...the next Apocalypse...or to be more precise...the next Cataclysm...

  • Balance

    AU: Dragons have ruled for thousands of years. Then humanity emerged, and began to settle in dragon lands. After 300 years of conflict, a member of the 12 Dragon riders, a loyal order of beings, takes interest in a village in his domain. More importantly he takes interest in the blond daughter of the man who murdered his family. Warrior Hiccup, modern tech, old tech. Long start.