
  • Blood

    What would you do if you found a mysterious dog in the forbidden forest? What if it was fatally injured? (A story for The Houses Competition)

  • Avada Kedavra

    Why is Avada Kedavra really illegal?

  • Screams

    Malfoy Manor scene, different point of view, different decisions.

  • Forbidden

    Why is the Forbidden Forest really forbidden?

  • Ribbon

    Ever wondered where Lucius Malfoy got his ribbons?

  • Ball of Light

    How did Ron find his way back? A story for the Houses Competition.

  • WWW

    What did Fred and George do, when Mrs Weasley found that they still had Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes products?

  • Finding Out

    How did Hermione feel when Fred died?

  • Monster

    What happens when Credence goes home?

  • Sweet Cruelty

    The Third Wizarding War, who can you trust, you will betray you? M for Violence (Acacia Lakyn, James S.P: main characters with main POVs, with Albus S.P., Rose GW, Scorpius H.M also very prominent with POVs) Romance, Tragedy, War, Drama, Adventure

  • Late

    His sister was captured, his dad is a Death Eater, what to do?

  • Missing

    After the war, all the seventh years (from during the war) are invited back to Hogwarts. There is a massive secret and it will turn everything upside down. (A Dramione Story)