
  • Wise Desires

    Aphrodite loves being chased. She loves to take one step forward and have others run to her in return. But when a not-so-chaste encounter with her serious, clever half-sister turns into a full-on chase, Aphrodite wonders just when she turned out to be the only one running... Aphrodite/Athena. T for sexual references, language, and slash.

  • A(n Odd) Homage to Mitsu

    What do you get when you combine a write-a-holic with extensive Mid-Terms? Apparently, it's casual poetry... (Don't know why I was expecting Gummy Bears.) "The bassist's mind was not just angry, but quite a bit more nervous and unclear / On just why, right now, her heart was drumming loud enough for its musician to hear..." Rated T for A/N language (I can't help it) and Yuri themes

  • Those Tasteful Shades of Green

    Playing the waiting game on a cold metal bench was definitely not how Mio had expected her Saturday night to go. There was supposed to be excitement and happiness in the air! She was supposed to feel worry-free! And yet there she was against all odds, playing all or nothing against the bitter reality of war and love. Mitsu/AU. A painstakingly delivered B-day present for Mio-chan.