
  • More than perfect

    Everybody out of the gang, except Jasmine and Logan are busy today with other things and Jasmine and Logan meet up alone to do something together and have some fun. Will maybe happen more? Jasmine/Logan One Shot! :D Disclaimer: I own nothing! :D Please Read and Review! :D

  • Together, forever

    She misses him like crazy. Gunther is gone since years now, but she never forgot him. Cece goes up to their special place and just wishes, to see him at least once again. Will her wish come true? GeCe One Shot! First try at stories! :D Please R&R! :) I do not own anything!

  • Trusting You

    What if after Zoey gave Jackson the command to kiss her the scene would've ended different and Zoey would've tried to get Jackson to stay? What would have happened? Joey One Shot! :D I own nothing! :D R&R! :)

  • Did that really happen?

    The whole group is in the living room of the Watson house, school books shattered around and everyone looks like a mess. Garrett and Delia are glaring at Jasmine and Logan and Lindy tries to bring a stop in the whole thing. Then the parents come in and want to know what happened. What did happen? Jarrett, Dogan! I own nothing! :D Chapter 13 is up! Am away for 4 weeks in Spain!

  • Overreacting

    Garrett's misses one of his football practices, because of spending time with his girlfriend Jasmine. The coach tells him that he's out the next time that happens and Jasmine feels bad and is questioning herself if she's good for him. Can Garrett convince her that she is? Jarrett One Shot! :D I own nothing! :D R!R! :)

  • Thanks a lot

    What if as Jasmine has been asked out to the dance by Dave, Garrett said that she already has a date before she could say anything? Who's supposed to be that date and why did Garrett say that? Jarrett One Shot while Dance Fever! :D I own nothing! :) R&R! :)

  • Sleep

    Jasmine has to learn for her Spanish test but Logan comes down and tries to get her to go to sleep, since she is so stressed and she can't concentrate anymore, anyway. Will he have success and will happen more or will Jasmine just get angry? Jogan One Shot! :D I own nothing! :) R&R! :)

  • Supporting

    Garrett is finished after a football game, because they lost and he played bad this time. He wants to quit the team but Jasmine comes and talks to him to not quit. Can she convince him and will more happen? Jarrett One Shot! :D R&R! :) I own nothing! :D

  • Nothing to worry about

    Jasmine is at home, not talking to anyone since days. Nobody knows, what's wrong and as Garrett goes to her house and tries to find out, something unexpected happen between the two. What'll happen? Jarrett One Shot! :D I own nothing! :)