

  • Prince Ozai's Crazy Solstice Adventure

    AU. Crack-tastic. You have been warned. Prince Ozai enjoys admiring the beauty of the aurora lights during each Solstice. But this time, he stumbles upon a surprise that he never expected he would find. Hilarity ensues. One-shot. Urzai goodness within. Enjoy! Rated 'M' for the occasional burst of gleefully unapologetic profanity and sexual tension. For great justice.

  • Desolate Sky

    In addition to seeing visions in-between loops, soon enough William Cage begins to hear a voice as well. A voice, he assumes, that can only belong to one being. And what it has to say is quite interesting, to say the least. It wants to meet, and discuss something of interest to both humanity and the Mimics. One-shot.

  • Imperium

    AU. After pushing to the heart of the Earth Kingdom after a long, bloody campaign, Crown Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation finally stands on the brink of conquering Ba Sing Se. How he got there and what he plans to do next, however, are where things get interesting. Zutara, but definitely a darker psychological spin on the pairing. One-shot.

  • Doubt

    Inquisition. After a particularly harrowing mission, the Inquisitor needs a bit of a pep-talk. Fortunately, Iron Bull is very good at that sort of thing. One-shot.

  • The Exile

    Ancient Rome AU. Asami, relatively recent ascendant to the Imperial Throne, struggles with finding ways to get the people's support. Her advisor, Wan, has an idea- but it involves gladiatorial games. Although resistant at first, Empress Asami comes around in the end... and her search for a suitable champion turns up the most unexpected of candidates. Korrasami. One-shot.

  • The Shadow Order

    Slight-AU. Azulon gets a surprise visit from the last group of people he was expecting. And they are not very happy to see him at all.

  • Wild Night, Morning After

    Set some indeterminate time after Korra season 2, sort of. Asami gets dumped. This makes her sad. That makes Korra annoyed. Korra wants to make Asami happy, and not sad. Drinking ensues, followed by one wholly unexpected development. Hilarity ensues after that. Korra vows to never drink again. Korrasami, super-cracktacular. Fluff abounds.

  • Old Ghosts

    Ollie gets a call from Anatoli Knyazev that the Falcone crime family are trying to run some guns down from Gotham City and through Starling. So, naturally, he takes steps to stop them. As it turns out, he isn't the only one in on the case. Barry/Felicity, mild Canarrow, and featuring some other DC Universe characters of the Bat-family persuasion. One-shot.

  • The Orphan

    One of the orphans at Arendelle's orphanage asks the man who runs it for a story, as a present for her eighteenth birthday. The man obliges, but it's not the story the girl was expecting to hear at all... One-shot. Shades of redemption!Helsa if you look for it, I suppose.

  • The Cure

    Some minor canon tweaks. Three years after the War's end, Zuko is feeling despondent and has closed himself off from politics in the Four Nations at large. Azula's getting tired of picking up his slack, so she calls in the person she thinks might be both the source of the problem, and the only one who can fix it. Zutara, Taang. Rated M for smut. Enjoy. Now a two-shot; part 2 soon!

  • The Kingdom of Ice

    AU. Set after my other Frozen/RotG crossover, "Kindred Spirits". So you should read that first, or these will make no sense at all. This will be basically an anthology of various one- and two-shots, written as the inspiration strikes me. Will very likely also feature cameos galore as the stories progress. Jelsa, with other pairings as well.

  • Kindred Spirits

    Slight AU. In addition to gloves, Elsa gets a book from her father as a gift for her eleventh birthday. It turns out to be a magical book, tied to a once-powerful group of Mages long since gone. But one of them is still listening... and when Elsa reads the book, she finds herself entertaining a very special visitor indeed. Jelsa. Birthday fic for Masayume85. NOW WITH AN EPILOGUE!

  • Black Sun Rising

    Slight AU. After the Batarians raid Mindoir, a mercenary crew headed by Zaeed Massani shows up looking for their target. They wind up finding someone else they weren't expecting at all: a young man with the potential to help Zaeed and his crew become the most powerful band of mercenaries in the galaxy. If all their enemies don't kill them first, that is. Rated high T, for Zaeed.