Violet Beatrice Baudelaire

  • If You Built Yourself A Myth

    For AHS: Freak Show. Marissa loved working at the library. She knew most of the townsfolk in Jupiter, but she had never seen him before. It was not cold outside but he was wearing leather gloves that matched his jacket, under which was a white t-shirt paired with jeans. He had tousled dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. He leaned on the desk, and smiled at her in a friendly way.

  • Playing The Game

    ONESHOT. For every town I moved to, there was always one girl I would choose. I made them fall for me, and then I broke their hearts.When I came to Forks I had decided to stop. This was why at first I had ignored Jessica's clumsy attempts at flirting, and declined her when she asked me out. Then I had gotten bored of playing nice, so I decided to start the game again...

  • We Could Be The Same

    SLASH. Dre has just turned 16, which means he can now become a werewolf's mate. He is in love with Cheng, who is an Alpha's son from a rival pack. Dre thinks Cheng does not notice him at all, and that he will never be with Cheng. Master Li's son Jun is obsessed with Dre, and is determined to have Dre as his mate. Dre is afraid to reject Jun...

  • Prom Night

    I sighed as I heard my mom calling me. It was prom night, and my mom sounded more excited than I felt. Prom night was meant to be special, but I doubted it would be for me. I did not even want to go. But I had to. It was all about appearances. I had to go, and pretend I was having a good time even if I hated every moment...Jessica/Edward

  • Fluctuating Optimism

    Where Stephen is alone and a stranger hits on ephen is not interested, and lies about having a boyfriend. Then Frank comes to the rescue, but not in the way Stephen wanted him to... Stephen x Frank (Pre-Slash)

  • TiMER

    Just a short little oneshot. I was inspired by watching the movie TiMER and wondering what soulmate matches would be made in Glee if everyone had TiMERs.Kurtcedes friendship,with a little Samcedes...

  • Piano Keys

    For AHS: Freak Show. Evette was not really sure what to expect, but now she was here in front of the stage she was curious as to what she would see, and excited for the show to come. She especially wanted to see the Lobster Boy and see if he was as handsome as he was depicted to be in his likeness...

  • Riddle Manor

    Tom was perfect. He was the lone brilliant star shining in the night sky, always just out of Merope's reach. On the rare times he had seen her, he had an expression on his face that Merope knew was a mixture of repulsion and pity. To Tom, she was simply the old tramp's daughter. The noble house of Salazar Slytherin and her being pureblood would mean nothing to him...

  • Never Alone

    ONESHOT. Caledon knew he should jump. Yet his hands remained firmly gripping the railings, and he did not make an attempt to let go. It was one thing to think about jumping, but quite another to do it... Pre-slash between Caledon and Jack.

  • The Slow Revelation

    Sequel to A Sad Kind Of Bliss. Carries straight on from the ending of that story. Benji meets a handsome stranger who traps Benji into being in a relationship with him. Jesse is unaware of Benji's suffering. Jesse just knows that he hates Benji's boyfriend, but it takes him a while to figure out why he hates him so much... Benji x Male OC, with endgame Benji x Jesse.

  • The Kiss

    ONESHOT. Derrick Glossner was not who Sue would have chosen as an ideal boyfriend. Yes, he was cute but she had never been able to think of him as anything other than the oldest of the terrible siblings who terrorised the t, after the first time he had kissed her Sue had found herself unable to stop thinking about him... Sue x Derrick

  • Pleasantville

    ONESHOT.Everything was in black and white; the world was devoid of color. His room looked like it had gone through a time warp back to the fifties. There was not much that Kurt would have personally picked out. Although he had never been in this room before, he knew it was his. It felt familiar to him... Crossover with the movie Pleasantville. Kurtofsky, Kurt x Dave, slash pairing.

  • Spring Break Forever

    Faith changes her mind about leaving, partly because she is interested in Alien. Just a short oneshot of what I wish could have happened in the actual movie.