Gemini Sister

  • Severus Snape Valentine Challenge 2014

    My response to a challenge . Cho Chang is not coping very well with Valentines Day. She seeks revenge in a most unusual way.

  • Nettles & Herbs

    Severus Snape is angered that a new Herbology Tutor has arrived at Hogwarts School of Magic. Their first meeting does not go well. He becomes even more frustrated when he learns he has to monitor her work. Shan Nettlesworth takes an instant dislike to Severus Snape and things go downhill from the start. This is set ten years after Severus Snape becomes Potions Master.

  • Christmas Angel

    Draco receives more than he bargains for at Christmas while at Hogwarts.

  • Mischief Managed At Last

    It is Hogmanay at Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall is happy and content, she has had a long standing bet won and paid back in full. May contain a few kilts. Written for a New Year Challenge for a rare Pair Group.

  • Sunshine After The Pain

    Sometimes it is the accidents in life that change it forever. For Nymphadora Tonks, a clumsy witch, this is certainly the case and how a spilled drink enabled her to find the love of her life.

  • Love You To Want Me

    Narcissa Malfoy takes a rather unusual interest in gardening after viewing the most magnificent specimen from her window.

  • Crossing The Rainbow Bridge

    A moment in time, where Magic meets Muggle. Severus Snape stands alone at a bridge to meet and greet the person, a Muggle, who has lived the life he once desired. A man he wishes to honour by meeting him at the Rainbow Bridge.

  • Undiscovered Secrets

    Nine years after the Battle of Hogwarts finds Hermione Granger as Potions Mistress at Hogwarts. She has formed a firm friendship with Madam Pince. Over the last few years they have shared gossip over many cups of tea. But when Madam Pince collapses, tensions rise, harsh words are said and secrets are revealed.

  • After The Rain

    Stuck indoors at home, a teenage Severus Snape, reflects on his homelife compared to that of Hogwarts.

  • The Black Eyed Boy

    After the war, Hermione Granger refuses Ministry offers of work. Instead, she turns her efforts to caring for and finding new families for war orphans. When a baby is left on the doorstep little does she know how his arrival will impact on her life. My entry for the SSHG Prompt Fest 2015 on LJ

  • A Friend Indeed

    Lily Evans is persuaded by James Potter to give him a hand-job, unaware they are being observed by one of their closest friends. This is my very late entry for the February 2015 Kink Fest on Live Journal.

  • Sanguinem Magicae

    A young Severus Snape reflects on happy memories of his father and a secret he has to keep Severus Snape 2015 Fest Entry Using Prompt# 76 Prompt: Young Severus has one good memory of his father.

  • a Spark In The Darkness

    Severus Snape never knew that a fly puff on his Muggle cigarette could change his life forever. Especially when it concerned an unexpected meeting with him with Hermione Granger.

  • The Tarnished Trio

    When Meteors fall and strike from above Hogwarts will fall and lose what you love. To restore the balance friendships must form Between all of the Houses to weather the storm

  • The Proud Father

    A Fathers Day Story. Tobias Snape wishes to purchase a gift for his sons first birthday. His son is Severus Tobias Snape. A happy time for both Tobias and Severus prior to any magic interferes with their father son bond.

  • The Leather Gargoyle

    It is the Annual Reunion of Death Eaters. Severus Snape has been ordered to attend. He does but under duress and leaves as soon as he can. But in the meantime has a very unexpected encounter with a Temptress.

  • Magic Baby!

    Severus Snape is disappointed with his life and wishes he had made better decisions as he lies dying in the Shrieking Shack. He wishes he could live his life over and do it better. Is there hope for Severus? Read and see. Response to a Song Fic Challenge

  • Test Drive Series A Good Cuppa

    The Tenth Doctor never realised a cuppa could cause so much trouble. More teasing as the Doctor gets used to his new body after regenerating. This is the second story in the Test Drive Series.

  • Test Drive Series The Look

    The Tenth Doctor needs a new look for his latest regeneration. Will Rose approve his clothing choice and will she think him sexy? This is the sequel to "Hello There" and "A Good Cuppa" It may help to understand the story by reading these first but not essential.

  • A Rare Meteorite

    The Tenth Doctor is alone again and ponders on his lost companion Rose Tyler.