Sammy Heroes

  • Shadow Babysits Cream

    Without anyone to babysit Cream for the day, Vanilla 'asks' Shadow to babysit her for a whole day. What can go wrong. Rated T because you all know Shadow's bad vocabulary.

  • Ghost Virus

    Fury is sick of Tony's little pranks on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s computers. So he commands the tech department to do something about it. They decide to strike Stark's main system: Jarvis.

  • Peter's Little Girl 2

    A strange signal is captured by the Nova Corps and is discovered to be from an Infinity Stone. The guardians are send to a strange, dangerous and far location: Terra. Just what can go wrong when Peter steps back into his home planet? Because, by Rocket's standards... Earth sucks... kind of... (will eventually update)

  • You Got Me

    Tadashi comforts his toddler little brother, Hiro, after a nightmare. (Young Hiro and young Tadashi)

  • Testing

    Just what exactly happened those times Tadashi tested Baymax?

  • The Talk

    Tadashi decides it's finally time to give Hiro the infamous 'talk'. (Set before the movie) Rated T.

  • Peter's Little Girl

    Someone had the guts to drop a baby at his doorstep and suddenly, Peter is thrown into the fatherhood game. Is he suitable enough to be a dad? Because by Rocket's standards, he isn't...

  • Mechanical Daddy

    Jarvis and the bots just want to show how much affection they have towards their master. But Tony doesn't seem to be paying attention to their attempts. Is he? (You may also read Father's Day)

  • How to annoy the Avengers

    ...A guidebook written by yours truly, Tony Stark.

  • Green Fever

    Everybody knows that Bruce Banner is the Hulk, so that means he can't get sick. Right? Caring!Avengers.

  • Frozen Heart

    After her body accidentally absorbed a strange chemical in Dr. Eggman's lab, Amy founds herself with a strange power over ice and snow. But when her fears start to control her, she runs away and Cream is the only one that can convince her to come back. Will Amy come back home and stop the storm she made, or will she leave her friends to freeze to death? (discontinued?)

  • You're the father I never had

    Cream brings something to Vector that brighten his day.

  • To Make You Feel My Love

    Sometimes the one person who's meant to be your partner for life, is the person you least expect. So Sawyer and Hazel are determinate to find that special someone for both their parents. The thing is, Clay and Lorraine have feelings for each other. Which kind of complicates things, because the boy likes the girl... And what is Winter going to do about these confused humans?

  • Cup of Water

    Peter went to pour some water over Groot, but instead, he found himself in a very interesting argument with the humanoid plant. (Baby Groot)

  • Genes Gone Wrong

    Tony is many, many things. Billionaire, ex-playboy, genius, philanthropist. He is Iron Man. He is the most sarcastic smartass the world has ever seen. He comes from a bloodline of respected people. He's NOT a mutant. (Warning: mutant!Tony) Rated T because of bad language. One-shot.

  • Guilt

    Villains are heartless and cold. Or so that's how they're supposed to be. So why does he feel so guilty? Oh, right. He let someone die in a fire. Someone close to him. And now, alone and in jail, he gets a visit he never expected. (One shot)

  • Ghost

    I could see him, but he could not see me. He would walk right through me and he won't even know I was there. I can't even talk to my own brother. It's not fun to be ghost. Believe me, I know.

  • Where did he go?

    Hiro looked at Baymax with surprise. "No, Baymax. He is here." Baymax looked up. "But where is he? Where did he go? My sensors don't pick up his heart rate or body heat." Hiro approached him and placed a hand over his vinyl chest. "Tadashi is here." (Possible spoilers. One shot)

  • Hairy Baby

    Just how did Tadashi got the family cat, Mochi?

  • For Her

    Peter is insane sometimes. But that doesn't stop him from risking his life for her...