
  • Powers

    Blaine has always loved superheroes; well, one in particular. This is the story of how he meets a superhero, falls in love with him, and loses him too soon. But will he ever find him again? This is the Powers 'verse.

  • Questions

    Post-proposal/graduation!klaine talk. Blaine gets sentimental when he's sleepy and Kurt falls a little bit more in love with him. Sorry, I suck at summaries.

  • Fiances

    A very short ficlet based on the post on tumblr where Blaine and Kurt keep referring to each other as "my fiancé" and their friends get annoyed. Post-graduation and post proposal.

  • Challenge

    Inspired by BPOTD #921, "Blaine is diagnosed with ALS and does the ice bucket challenge, even though in a wheelchair." Warnings for Blangst and mentions of character death.

  • Dear Stranger

    Blaine's a lost, lonely young man looking for a new home, a new start. Kurt's a wanderer who never had a home, never staying in one place long enough to leave an impression. But he leaves an impression on Blaine. FULL SUMMARY INSIDE.

  • Those Who Arrive Survive

    For the Gleekover2014 theme: Halloween. In which Kurt was separated from the group when the prison was overrun, and he found Terminus. He only survived because Blaine lied and said he knew him. Now Kurt's group is at Terminus and he doesn't know what to do. Warnings: Walking Dead Spoilers, blood/gore/pretty much anything you'd find in TWD, references to cannibalism

  • Someday

    Blaine wanders off in the book store, and Kurt finds him reading to little kids. Basically adorable fluff. Early!Klaine.

  • Never Let Go

    Anonymous prompted: "I'm never going to let you go." Blaine doesn't know how to let go, so he gets help from the one person who he never thought he'd have to say goodbye to. Ghost!Kurt. Angst, angst, angst, and more angst. Warnings inside fic.

  • Forever Is Ours

    Pugroleplays on tumblr prompted from a prompt meme: "I want to have a baby." Mpreg!Blaine wants a baby; Kurt isn't so sure. Angst and then fluff.

  • Alone

    Prompts: "We used to be best friends", "We can't do this anymore", and "You're not the person I thought you were." I combined them and made an Anderbros Frozen!AU. Kurt does make an appearance but it's brief. Warnings for mentions of character death (no main characters)

  • I Got Your Back

    Blaine loves piggyback rides, and especially loves when his best friend Kurt is the one offering. This is the story of how they grow up but they're never too old to bring parts of their childhood back. Note: Prompted by an anon on tumblr, and I changed the prompt just a bit so it's kind of angsty when it was supposed to be fluff. Hopefully you still like it :)

  • Until I Met You

    Kurt has always been the only one he knows with abilities. Blaine has always been told to hide his abilities. When the truth comes out, they find an incredible friendship in each other, and much, much more. Heroes!AU for Gleekover2014 theme Sci-Fi. This is complete, but there could potentially be separate fics that act as follow-ups to this one. Stay tuned :)

  • I Kept My Promise

    Kurt and Blaine have a fight and Kurt says some things he doesn't mean. When Blaine breaks down, it's up to Kurt to fix things. But will Blaine forgive him? (Of course he will.) Based on Blangstpromptoftheday #945, which is inside the fic.

  • More Than Words

    Blaine starts pulling back in an attempt to give Kurt some space and hopefully avoid losing him. Only when he turns to Sam for comfort does Kurt realize that the problem is bigger than he thought. Based on Blangstpromptoftheday #958, which is inside the fic.

  • Consider The Circumstances

    Under the circumstances- an armed robbery, a death threat, and sirens coming to the rescue -Blaine shouldn't be so excited when he gets home later that night. But who can blame him when the beautiful man who saved his life agrees to go on a date with him? Trigger warnings: death threats, mentions of blood, violence... the type of things in a typical robbery. No character death.

  • Lucky

    In which Blaine can't help but feel lucky on his birthday, no matter how many times his luck seems to slip up.

  • Hearts And Kisses

    Prompt: "Imagine your OTP are back in high school. Person A borrows Person B's notebook for notes and discovers their name written all over at the back of Person's B's notebook (complete with hearts). How will Person A react?" AKA: What would happen if Blaine had seen what Kurt was drawing in his notebook before the Warbler meeting? Let's find out. (A should-be Valentine's Day fic)

  • Light In The Dark

    Based on BPOTD #686: Blaine is Deaf and during a bad snow storm, the power goes out. He starts freaking out because now he lost his sense of sight as well. (With a bonus of Kurt to the rescue.)

  • Out Of Darkness

    Blaine and Elliott have been best friends ever since they were turned in 1814, but Blaine wants more than what his friends can give him. He wants change. He wants an escape from the numbness. But most of all, he wants to feel alive again. Vampire!AU. Human!Kurt. Vampire!Kurt&Elliott. Warnings for mentions of attacks and a bit of gore.

  • Songs to Ficlets

    The tumblr writing meme (1: Take Your OTP. 2: Put your music on shuffle. 3: Answer the questions. 4: Tag your friends. 5: Always post the rules.) finally gave me some inspiration! So here is a collection of drabbles for Klaine. Enjoy! P.S. Bits of Badboy!Blaine in case you aren't already sold on reading this ;)