
  • Detectives

    Yumi a 14\15 year old girl detective, Heiji, Kaito, Conan and Ran are in for a surprise in this mystery camp when the roll play death start coming true, its a good thing their in cabin 3 or Heiji might be a ghost.

  • Try Wizards Tornament

    HP\PJO\Fairy tail crossover. A evil clouds the future, Fairy Tail has been asked to join the tournament, and they have a mission, Lucy Potter is the child who lived, Harry has a twin, The big 13 are judges. Lucy may or may not be paired in a couple relationship read if you want to know what happens.

  • Traveler Katy

    Katy is my oc who will travel worlds but first up. The world of Zelda how will Link handle this new challenge?

  • Mostly Mute

    Danny is an oc girl whos first choise is to not speak, she is mostly mute please enjoy this crazy girl. And is shes a Marry-sue meh I dont care! Warnings Jazz Barricade parently roals! And its a just for fun fic. Any flames will be flamed back! XD

  • Kura and the spark of existance

    Kura is an Oc girl who will be a key help in finding the lost spark. Also its a slight cross with Kain Chronicals and slight Percy Jackson mentions. R&R Good Soundwave and Barricade, have fun.

  • Mortality

    Angola a red headed mortal girl demi like but not really, Brother!Percy,Grover,Will, Male!Thalia, semi brotherish Nico. It all started with a monster fight.

  • Shadow Forces:Twilight Princesses

    Katie a girl from our world gets landed in our favorite Twilight Zelda game, oddnees, hilarity, sleep kissers, and evil fairys await her as she helps link battle the evils while also battling her own love for one Dark knight.

  • Scared Eyes

    Ghosts are forgetful, angry ghosts are vengeful, the murdered souls murder their own, one girl knows such, Blind from a tragic past, she makes do with her PK, third eye, and esp. Blinded Mai, Alive!Gene, Smart Mai. Reverse harem Gene x Mai, Yasu x Mai, John x Mai, hints of Naru x Mai if you squint. Lin x Mai in a fatherly/uncal/brotherly way.Warning:gore is a major part, rewritting

  • Floo Power!

    Boredom is the enemy of everyone, so when Alice a odd should be muggle in there world throws down some ashes, only magic, schools, pranks, and secrets happen. Why is Dumbledore so worried? Only time and reading will tell. But the biggest question what guy wont be left speechless?

  • Lina Potter

    Lina Potter, Fem!Harry. Have you ever wondered what would hapin if James and Lily didn't die but was staged by Dumbledore? What if it was all a ruse he was the one who was really be hind torturing Neville's parent's? Evil!Dumbledore/Ron/Hermione/Ginny/Molly Dark!Voldy Fem!Harry! Fem!Harryx you have to read to find out!

  • Zelda the Mix

    Kathy is an Oc, who one day was sleeping sadly a thump awoke her!, only it's a mix! Read as Kathy joins Link and others to fight for the world! Her own past shines as the villain Pain comes to light! Kathy x S. Link, Kathy x W. Link, Kathy x Dark! S. Zelda x S. Link slight braty S. Zelda. And a lot more in side!

  • The Potter kids Harley and Lina

    Fem!Harry Lina is the girl-who-lived, Harley is her older brother. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Harry was a girl with an older brother? Have you ever wondered what would hapin if her brother was overly protective?