Madness King

  • Challenge of the Planeswalkers (Discontinued)

    Rated T to be safe. Nathan is a college student who was introduced to the game of Magic by his brother, who has not been heard from in two years. Surprisingly, so does his teacher, Mr. Fulton. But after one game, Nathan will begin to see the world in a new way. New worlds, new possibilities, and new dangers will open up to him.

  • SABL

    The follow up to my one-shot, Sypher. Sypher Woods is a lone wolf. After losing almost everyone in his family, he's been traveling, searching for Grimm to hunt down and kill. Not only Grimm, but the White Fang as well, and the citizens of Vale begin to fear that after they are gone, he will come after them next. But after being taken against his will to Ozpin, how will he change?

  • The Life of a Pirate

    The life of a pirate is always different, one way or another. I am no different. I have heard many others give their tales of how they came to be a pirate, but they always show a small piece of a bigger picture. My name is Red Nathaniel Deveraux, and this is my story. Rating may change in future chapters.