

  • More Important Things

    "Books! And cleverness! There are more important things-friendship and bravery..." Seven missing moments in Hermione's journey from misfit to heroine.

  • Consequences

    Prequel to "Auror Take Two." As Auror trainees, Harry and Ron made a rookie mistake with far-reaching consequences. Twenty years later, as Heads of the Auror Department and the Auror Academy, can they remedy it before those consequences impact their families?

  • Auror Take Two

    The sequel to "Consequences." Harry's kids have risked a simple security spell despite the ban on underage magic. Can he arrive home in time to defend them and Ginny from the wizards who are plotting to kill her?

  • Hidden Chambers and Unseen Monsters

    The Weasleys' trip to Egypt after CoS. No one will tell Bill anything, and Ginny isn't talking at all. And if navigating the relationships with his six siblings isn't enough, Bill has one more. But he and Amy Green are just friends, right?

  • Changing Her Mind

    Ron and Hermione attend the first Auror Christmas party after the war hoping to sneak out early. Will they be able to find time together despite the interruptions?

  • Many a Weary Foot

    Eleven couples, eleven drabbles, eleven New Year's Eves. First place in the Happy New Year Competition hosted by Addicted-To-Sugar-Quills.

  • The Weasley Christmas Song List

    After multiple couples disappear upstairs in the Burrow at the same time on Christmas Eve, Hermione comes up with a plan to avoid discovery. Multiple canon pairings.

  • Someone to Love

    Amelia Bones learns you don't need a springtime birthday to find happiness as long as you have someone to love. Amelia & Edgar. Second place in the Sibling Rivalry Competition Round Two hosted by My Dear Professor McGonagall.

  • Her Favorite

    "I was her favorite ... Not Albus … he didn't want to be bothered with her. She liked me best." Ariana learns the difference between brothers and friends. Second Place in the Best Friends Competition hosted by a-trip-to-honeydukes.

  • More Than a Mug of Hot Chocolate

    What happened between Ginny and her curse-breaker brother when the Weasleys visited Bill after CoS? Because I never bought the idea that after a mug of hot chocolate, "Ginny Weasley was perfectly happy again."

  • There's This Girl

    James and Harry have a conversation about witches. Unfortunately for James, his mother and sister fall into this category too.

  • Sharing Life Together

    A blown Auror mission forces Harry to reconsider his relationship with Ginny, who is playing Quidditch in Wales. Can they make it work with the danger, fame, and pressure of their careers? Includes R/H, dinner with the Trio, and an owlet named Lancelot.

  • Coloring With Crayons

    Rose didn't know she wasn't supposed to color on the desk. Honest, she didn't know! Second Place in the Childhood Memory Competition by selenehekate.

  • A Lady's Favor

    What was in the Scrivenshaft bag that Harry slipped under Ginny's pillow? A fluffy outtake from chapter one of "Don't Forget."

  • Don't Forget

    Harry returns to the Burrow determined to avoid all contact with Ginny, but Ginny is determined not to be ignored. "Don't forget that you have something—someone—to come back to." A companion piece to "Girls Like You." Full summary inside.

  • It All Started With a Pair of Earmuffs

    A Hannah/Dean romance told in a series of snapshots starting in second year. Runner-up in the 2nd Annual "Can You Write a Romance?" Competition by Dear. Dark. Destiny.

  • Girls Like You

    After sixth year Hermione tells Ron how she feels, but when he doesn't respond as expected, it's confusion and hurt feelings again. Can Ron explain about Lavender and move them past years of misunderstanding to convince Hermione he wants a girl like her?

  • Gemini Divided

    How did Parvati and Padma Patil end up in different Houses? Second Place in the Sibling Rivalry Competition by My Dear Professor McGonagall.

  • A Good Weight

    During Ginny's seventh year, Harry sneaks into Hogwarts to spend an evening with her.