

  • Do You Promise

    Charlie came to England for family but hoped to see Amy. Amy came to England to start a sexual relationship with Charlie. Adding benefits to their friendship is easy ... until an unexpected move leads to an impulsive escape, an impromptu search party, and some difficult realizations about relationships, choices, and what we owe one another-or not.

  • One Big Happy Weasley Family

    A collection of unrelated drabbles and one-shots featuring various combinations of Weasley boys (and yes, occasionally Harry), with a side of any random member of the Weasley family. Includes outtakes from my other stories. No slash. Rating varies from K-T. Genre and character tags apply to the most recent chapter.

  • Protective Custody

    Over twenty years after the Battle of Hogwarts, the Aurors finally have a lead on the last two Death Eaters. When Dolohov is captured and reveals who his cabal has under surveillance, Harry and Ron rush to secure their families. Four variations on a scene cut from "Consequences."

  • Postscripts

    Outtakes, excerpts, and drabbles from the worlds of "Faintest, Slimmest, Wildest Chance" and "In Love and War." Additional explorations of Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and the Weasleys in the year after the Battle of Hogwarts.

  • Blissful Oblivion

    Harry has a nightmare, but Ginny's reaction isn't what he expects. Written for the Several Sunlit Days Challenge on the Hinny Discord with prompt "nightmare."

  • Saying Thank You

    Sherlock correctly deduces a good gift for Molly but is surprised by her response (and his).

  • Comfort and Joy Gone Astray

    Nothing about Christmas was going well for Charlie, not even a surprise visit from an old friend.

  • In Living Memory

    A collection of one-shots in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. A joint project with MandyinKC.

  • In Love and War

    Hermione has resolved her war is not over until she brings her parents home to England. Ron thinks a summer on the other side of the world is a perfect escape. But transitioning from friends to lovers is not always easy, and some hurts seem impossible to forgive, as Percy Weasley knows all too well. Can the bonds of love and family mend the pieces of their lives torn apart by war?

  • Faintest, Slimmest, Wildest Chance

    Although Harry and Ginny both survived the war, each bears scars from their year apart. The end of a war and the death of a brother don't make for an easy romance, but as long as there is the faintest, slimmest, wildest chance... The Weasleys gained and lost a member in one night. Will they ever be whole again? Best Romance and Best Drama/Angst in the 2014 HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards

  • Growing Up With Gin-Gin

    Unbeknownst to Ginny and Harry, her brothers have planned a surprise montage for their wedding reception of the boys' favorite memories of growing up with their baby sister. Daily updates until complete.

  • Out in the Rain

    A drabble collection of George and Angelina's developing relationship after the Final Battle.

  • The One Where Sherlock Sleeps With Molly

    Molly Hooper once surprised Sherlock by inviting herself to dinner, then turned him down later the same day. But what if, on his last night in England, Sherlock does have "dinner" with Molly? What if he indulged because he thought it would be his last meal? ... What if it isn't?

  • Virgins Need Not Apply

    Bored with her routine life, Katie Bell arrives for a summer internship at the Romanian International Dragon Reserve only to find out an important qualification was left off the application form. Now it's up to Charlie Weasley to keep her safe.

  • More Than a Passing Fancy?

    Rita Skeeter's Quick-Quotes Quill has a frightfully long reach. Five months after the Quidditch World Cup, Teddy Lupin is still pondering the effects of three sentences of gossip on his opinion of Miss Victoire Weasley. Could these feelings be more than a passing fancy?

  • The Story I Must Tell

    Percy finally tells Audrey about his estrangement from the family. A sequel to "The Weasley Christmas Song List."

  • Misbehavior Number 101

    When James's misbehavior continues despite detentions, losing house points, and even a Howler from home, a desperate Ginny decides the only thing left is to join him at Hogwarts. The conflict between mother and son creates a comedy of errors as James learns to handle fame by default and Ginny discovers Hogwarts isn't any easier the second time around.

  • Too Friendly

    An innocent dinner invitation sparks a maelstrom in the Weasley-Granger-Potter families when Rose wants to take her parents to Malfoy Manor. "Scorpius stared at the scar for a long time, trying to absorb what his eyes were telling him. His family—his dad!—had been just as involved in helping Voldemort rise to power as Rose's family had been in stopping it."

  • Observations of Success

    After seeing the twins' generosity over Christmas, Molly shares with George her concerns about the dangers of wealth and pride.

  • A Quiet Beauty

    After the events at Malfoy Manor, Hermione can sleep only in Ron's arms. In the middle of the night, Bill and Ron have a conversation about love in wartime. First place in the 2012 Annual Fan Favorite Awards.