

  • Numb

    A study on how Castiel felt when he was being controlled by Naomi, and how he felt when Dean was begging, begging him to stop killing him. Reminding him they are family.

  • I Love You Manipulatory Old Man

    Harry's attempt at coping after Dumbledore's death is failing worse than planned.

  • Redemption

    Michael and Lucifer have been missing from heaven for quite some time. Turns out they've been reincarnating through the centuries, looking for redemption. They found it as Sam and Dean Winchester. Dean is Michael, Sam is Lucifer, Bobby is having a hard time with this new development. Credit to tsuminubiaru. for cover.

  • Mind: Infect The Mind

    Harry, depressed and alone feeling extreme guilt over the death of his only godfather Sirius Black, makes a bad choice, but can he live with the consequences? Harry withdraws from his friends, and his only protection from the evil inside. Mind Series 1.

  • Beyond The Edge

    Dursley!Abuse. Harry/Ron friendship. Vernon dursley finally cracked into his old scotch collection and Harry Potter is his new beating bag. Not that Dursley cares *or even remembers*, he's drunk. M for violence.