
  • Everything isn't Always What it Seems to Be

    After Petunia and Vernon appear to be at their wit's end when it comes to Harry, Marge takes him in for a summer, prepared to teach the boy to behave. However, after having him for a short while, she begins to question her own actions and everything they'd ever told her. What if Harry wasn't the little terror they claimed him to be?

  • Parody for really bad fanfics

    Parody for really bad fanfics and mary sues and gary stus. very hilarious story

  • Unexpected Love

    When Vernon Dursley goes a little too far with Harry, he believe's he has killed him. This in fact is not true. Unexpectedly, a little boy ends up in the hands of someone who never wanted him... who never thought he could love him. Harry and Severus bond.

  • Parody for really bad fanfics

    Repost because it needed to be cleaned up this is a parody for fanfics that are really bad or that have mary stus or gary stus

  • Parody for really bad fan fics

    Repost due to spam parody about Mary Sues and Gary Stus going to Hogwarts and its mocking a certain writers formula because she was rude read chapter 2s authors note for more understanding and i dont want people telling me i'm wrong you'll be blocked and guest reviews deleted. this story is hilarious and i only want reviews complimenting me, my story and insulting the other author

  • Mary Sue Gary Stus go to Hogwarts

    Parody about Mary Sues at Hogwarts and really bad fanfiction in general. update: read chapter 2s authors note and you'll understand why this is a parody against an authors story. i feel like people aren't reading my authors notes otherwise you would understand and you would be infuriated for me. stop telling me my anger isn't justified, it is! I want reviews about my funny story!