
  • Birdflash iPod Challenge 2

    A second set of ten songs that I wrote little things to. Beware, for some reason my compute threw all my sad songs at me and so they are mostly quite sad. Birdflash Wally Dick Nightflash West Grayson WestXGrayson DickXWally RobinXKF

  • This House No Longer Feels Like Home

    13 years post Battle of New York world where Clint and Natasha are married, and have a son and daughter. They live in a house between DC and New York. The Avengers tower was Stark tower. Except for Clint and Natasha, all Avengers live there. Steve and Tony are together. WARNING Natasha dies before the story occurs, but it is the center of the story. clintasha stony blackhawk (S)

  • Clintasha iPod Challenge

    Ten songs. Ten snippets. Blackhawk Clintasha Clint Barton Natasha Romanoff Natalia Romanova Romanov (S)

  • America's Angel

    Steve carried a knife with him every mission, a special knife that he didn't know what to think of. Now America's Angel is gone, leaving a heartbroken half-man behind with that same knife. Bad at summaries (S)

  • When Has Goodbye Ever Been Easy?

    Zatanna gets the opportunity that she had been waiting for, but left behind in order to pursue her own life. Now she has to choose between keeping herself and her life whole-as-it-can-be and happy, and accepting a chance that might bring her father back. A choice between having Wally or her father, and Zatanna can't make the choice. Flashspell ZeeXWally ZatannaXKF ZatannaXWally (S)

  • Gryffindor's Queen and Slytherin's Prince

    Hogwarts has changed, the era of the Golden Trio and friends and enemies is over, as is the Wizarding war. Hogwarts sends out it's usual letters, the teachers not expecting that anyone could possibly cause or get into more trouble than the last generation of students. That is, until they met the children. Mischief, adventure and romance blossom in the once-again chaotic Hogwarts.