DarkWolf Publications

  • Run

    This happens after the main plot of the game. Delsin, an immune teenager, meets Joel and Ellie and goes back to live with them. Delsin starts to feel attracted to Ellie, and pretty soon he'll have more to confront than the Infected. If you'd like to leave constructive criticism or fave it please do! It helps me improve! Rated M for Language, violence and sexual content.

  • inFamous: Twisted Metal

    My name's Vincent. Life has always been interesting, but shit got real after my girlfriend and I escaped Curdun Cay. Now, I'm hanging out with Delsin Rowe in Seattle and fighting GOLIATH, the new and improved DUP. And of course, some idiot named Kessler is running around and blowing shit up. ON SEMI-HIATUS CAUSE I'M TOO BAKED FOR THIS RN, UPDATES BE SPORADIC AF

  • inFamous Brotherhood: Sons and Daughters

    My name is Andrea Quincy, and I have two problems: Abstergo and the DUP. Now I'm rotting in a concrete cell and I have nothing left to do but remember. But it's the memories which hurt the most. Especially when you're forced to relive memories that aren't yours.