
  • Welcome To My Life

    Nobody understands the pain they suffer every day of their lives since arriving in that canyon. And even if they did, they probably wouldn't do anything about it anyway. (Short songfic drabble. Rated T for angst. Disclaimer: This song belongs to Simple Plan. I own nothing.)

  • Tears For Flame

    Continued from Ryugafangirl Riga. It's so sad to have a fellow author/authoress die, even if they don't know me. I still will respect Grace of Flame aka FlameSolaria and continue the chain. BREAK THIS CHAIN AND MY HOT DOG ARMY AND I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!

  • Yup, Just Another One of Those Days

    Inspired by Caboose's quote from Season 12, Episode 14. It's just another regular day for the reds and blues...and FireHawk. Lots of insanity, and Rated T for some minor cursing.

  • Roses, Violets, and Randomness!

    FireHawk and Z take over Blood Gulch and drag the RvB gang on wild, crazy, and plain weird adventures. This has got to be the most insane story ever. Of all time. Lot of humor, action, and beating up on everyone. Collab with SupeyNinjaZora19.

  • War of Wolves

    When the Freelancers attempt to take over the Red and Blue wolves, Church must get them to join forces to defeat their common enemy. Can Church rally the wolves and become a better leader? AU wolves. Rated T for blood and extremely minor language.