
  • Blanky

    A little twist made to a prompt from OTPPrompts on Tumblr.

  • The Feelings Never Went Away

    Skye and Ward are sent to get a strange Asgardian Amulet from an arms dealer. As expected with anything Asgardian, the results are exactly favorable to certain S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Tumblr Prompt from Snarkysweetness.

  • Baby It's Cold Outside

    Tumblr Prompt: Imagine it's winter, and Person A of your OTP has just taken a long, hot shower. Person B is cold, and as soon as A exits the bathroom B clings to them and hugs them close for warmth. Even after A has cooled off B continues to cling onto them just because.

  • Don't Leave

    Every morning it was the same routine: get up at 5, twenty minutes at the bag, thirty minutes with the weights, two hours of cardio, and an hour of weapons training. He tried the same routine with the cadets and while they certainly complained less, Skye was the only who showed any improvement as the days went on. Ward saw her get stronger, faster, smarter about her attack styles.

  • Tell Me

    She tries to sleep, but the image kept her awake. The blood she could feel on her hands kept them shaking. He makes the image go away, even after everything he what makes her feel calm.

  • Fun Size

    Skye doesn't like it when Bobbi talks to Ward. Ward doesn't like it when Skye's upset. Neither does anyone else. The title also does not fit the fic.

  • At the Bottom of my Glass, There was You

    AU where Skye and Ward meet at a Halloween party at Simmons' apartment and things get, "exciting."

  • It's You & Me Against the World

    skyeward soulmates AU Hitmen AU a very fucked up story.

  • Winter Wonderland

    Ward shows Skye something outside the PLAYGROUND and

  • All it Takes is a Spark

    Skye breaks Ward out of his cell to help her find her father. They get a little distracted when they're around each other in enclosed spaces without cameras watching their every move.

  • Why Can't I Leave You?

    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. AU in which Skye finds herself unable to accept Ward being evil. The only Grant Ward she can see is the one that protected her from guards and made her feel safe. She goes with him at the end of 119 in an attempt to reason with him.