Rolling Tomorrow

  • Uncertain Memory

    Elle had countless happy memories with her father, but it was that final memory she had of him that remained the clearest in her mind.

  • Sunshine

    Agria had a fiery temper, lethally blazing artes, and now had her eyes set on a pet to match the theme. Wingul knew how he was going to respond to her request even before she could ask.

  • Governess

    Driselle was determined to keep up a strong front for the people of Sharilton, though some times were harder than others.

  • Face Down

    They left her on her own quite often, but they always would be back at her side eventually. Even when they were late in returning for her birthday, she still truly did believe that they would come back for her.

  • Habits Never Change

    Gaius was still new to the throne of Auj Oule, which made it important to investigate the new king's public image. While hearing such things directly from the citizens was the best way to find out how they felt about their ruler, Wingul wasn't always eager for their excursions into the freezing city.

  • Flickering Out

    The wife of Patriarch Long Dau may not have been the strongest woman, but she always a kind and caring mother. After her husband's death, she managed to go on, even if only for the sake of her son. Wingul may have believed himself to be prepared to lead his people, but nothing could have steeled him for how he found her.

  • A Formal Tongue

    A king new to the throne has an obligation to be formal and eloquent in everything from word choice to proper usage of semicolons. At least, that's what Wingul keeps telling him.

  • Candle Light

    He let everyone believe that the headaches were simply from working too much, but he knew otherwise.

  • Human Vices

    Asbel found himself waking up in strange places increasingly often. He did not want to be too quick to suspect Lambda of questionable behavior, but when the young lord woke up in a bathtub, he knew he had to get to the bottom of the matter.

  • Words Yet Unspoken

    Richard was determined, even desperate, to make up for his months away from his kingdom. He set out with good intentions on the missions to exterminate the monsters plaguing the continent. Asbel was more than willing to help, but some felt that he king's actions were becoming more reckless than heroic.

  • The Dawn King

    "The king must show the path to his people. This is the path I have chosen, it is my duty," Gaius would always say, his words clear above the sound of war drums. Though Wingul knew that Gaius' determination was unparallelled, a revolution was not easily won and thrones are never usurped by clean hands.

  • Memories

    Certain moments spread out over fifteen years of memories are easier to recall than others.

  • Mysterious Marks

    Wingul insists it's just a mosquito bite, but if that's the truth, then the mosquito must be about six feet tall with long, dark hair.

  • Parfait

    With Xian Du newly under Taurus' control, Gaius and Wingul remained in the city to ensure stability. But in addition to that, there were certain things that were absolutely necessary for celebrating victory.

  • The Tooth Spirit

    Out of all the childhood holidays that involved secretive gift giving, Victor quickly realized that acting as the tooth spirit was by far the most difficult.

  • Snowed In

    Gaius and Wingul did not often stop for the night villages when traveling, but the distance between the capital and their destination left them with no choice.

  • A Matter of State

    Gaius was new to the throne of Auj Oule and many adjustments had to be made to the castle now that it was under his reign. There were just some things that Wingul couldn't leave in the king's hands.

  • To Stay

    Victor buried his wife far away from Lake Epsilla, though Elle never understood why they had to walk such a long way to visit her grave.

  • Aesthetics

    It was Presa's idea that the Chimeriad spent time together to build team spirit on the rare occasion when their schedules allowed. While Wingul acknowledged that it was a reasonable idea, there were some topics he did not want brought up during afternoon tea with the entire group.

  • Careen

    Asbel's motives were generally simple and innocent, which led to the plight that he assumed the same values of others. When Pascal made the odd request to meet up with Asbel and Richard regardless of how inconvenient it would be for the king to venture out disguised, he should have been more suspicious.