
  • Project: Second Chance

    Stella and Nana find the 4th generation of clones, or rather clone. This clone though, was not made by their father and is actually a male. Though they all get along with this man, strange things tend to happen after they found him. Like seeing humans, being in the past, and the people behind the creation of Project: Second Chance, the 4th generation. Contains OC (duh)

  • Not Human, or Faunus, but a friend

    Yang meets a girl a little bit older than her at the gym, she takes a shining to her and eventually talks to her, wanting to have a match with her. She later learns this girl is homeless and decides to let her stay at team RWBY's dorm as winter approaches. What Yang and her teammates don't know, is that this girl isn't exactly human.

  • Two Worlds Collide

    The Otherworld was once a great empire ruled by a group called the Order of Colors. The people lived in the Otherworld in a form of peace between the colors. Though something caused that to change and destroyed the peace, and almost all those in it. Countless years later, the force that caused this will try and finish what it started... The merging of worlds together.

  • Immortals

    Hello, my name is Connor C. also known as Onmy and the creator of NHOFF, other wisely known as Not Human Or Faunus but a Friend. This is my tribute to Monty Oum, may the king of the glorious bastards that brought us RWBY rest in peace.