• You Danced

    You lose yourself in the dance. The shadows from the chair legs are hypnotic as they move beneath your feet. The music draws you in, erasing the knowledge of everything but you, her, and the dance. Fluffy Cleena AU.

  • 8 Ways to Say I Love You

    1. Spit it into her voicemail.

  • Christmas Day

    When Christmas is bad, it is really bad. When Christmas is good, you forget that it was ever anything else.

  • Nothing At All

    Every morning, Myka drives to help Pete with his morning chores on the farm. Myka Pete friendship. Bering and Wells mentioned

  • Return

    The Astrolabe didn't work and Myka finally makes it back to South Dakota.

  • Long Distance Lullaby

    One more hotel room, One more night away from you, One more phone call, To say I'll be home soon. Any ship you so wish.

  • Elsewhere

    She found Elsewhere. The Giver AU with Myka as Jonas, set after the events in the book.

  • Ice in the Sand

    You follow the ice path through the desert, but you aren't sure why. Bering and Wells Frozen AU

  • St Brutus's

    He was a '...hardened hooligan who attended St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys.' He guessed the Dursley's never noticed the 'Incurably Criminal' in the school name.

  • Suffer

    'Of course,' she said, and Harry, amazed, saw a tear glistening in her beady eye. 'Of course, I realise this has all been hardest on the friends of those who have been... I quite understand.' HPCoS pg 214

  • Scared

    She remembered how it had all ended fifty years ago. A CoS drabble.

  • Avada Kedavra

    Is every curse really purely dark or light? Is there a way to use a dark curse for good?

  • Snitch to Catch

    The last thing they built after the war was the Quidditch pitch, and what was the first thing they did on it? Pick-up match, of course.

  • Visitors

    He watched as they moved through the headstones, wondering why strangers were visiting late Christmas Eve.

  • Boogie Man

    Sometimes, the boogie man is more real that your parents told you.

  • Father

    "My dad left my mum when I was a kid. I've got no proof he was a wizard, though." -Dean Thomas DH. "...Dean's father...got himself killed by Death Eaters when he refused to join them." - JKR

  • Pigfarts

    Draco gets his letter. Pigfarts, Pigfarts, here I come... Pigfarts, Pigfarts, yum, yum, yum.

  • Black Parade

    "Son when you grow up, will you be the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned?" moment between Harry and his father

  • Liar

    Lily/James sonfic to I'd Lie by Taylor Swift