Sirrius The Moonblade

  • Sacrifice

    Zak Saturday lost his powers in the war against Argost- or so he said. The time for lying is over, and the powers of Kur are desprately needed. Events are drawing closer and closer together, and one thought arises. Is Kur a necessary evil, or just a beast of destruction? Read, Review, just don't roast me please. UNBETA'D. . CHAPTER 15 UP!

  • Redwall Ideas of the story variety

    Just as it says, some ideas abound. May be written as full blown stories or short stories. READ AUTHOR'S NOTES please.

  • At The Start

    The situation in which Zak's powers first show. Drabblet with no point. R and R please. UNBETA'D. PHOTO NOT MINE, FROM DEVIANT ART!

  • Movie Night

    Zak and company have a movie night. Little drabblet/one-shot with no REAL point. Attempt at Humor. Slight Zak/Wadi ship. R and R please. UNBETA'D

  • Halfa

    One-shot. Why does Skulker only hunt Danny out of the three Halfa's? Read, possibly review, no flaming. T for, well, i'm not quite sure. uUNBETA'D Um, not my best work, a little hastily written. Hope you find some sort of enjoyment in it. Apologies in advance for long author's note. THIS WILL NOW BECOME A DRABBLEDUMP FOR THEORIES ON ANYTHING DP. NO OWN PHOTO!

  • Epilogue: a possible outcome

    COMPANION, NOT SEQUEL, to "Prologue". k-plus , i geuss. What happened after the Doctor's last battle of Trenzelore? I geuss you can find out. enjoy my badly written summary and story. UNBETA'D. DON'T OWN PHOTO!

  • Prologue: a Doctor Who fanfic

    River is distraught and the Doctor finds out why. Doctor (11th)XRiver Song. kinda sad, that's why it's k-plus . it's my first fanfic. I in no way own Doctor Who, BBC does. companion story, "Epilogue". enjoy. UNBETA'D. DON'T OWN PHOTO!