Sybil Silverphoenix

  • Teacher's Pet

    This is an intriguing tale of a nigh-taboo romance between a repressed college professor (Loki) and a new student (Natalia) who seduces him quite thoroughly. Lots of drama follows in the wake of her seduction and his growing feelings. Can it last? Will it last, especially with so many obstacles in their way? Read and find out True Believer! ;) AU and Rated M for a reason folks.

  • Loki: God of Mischief, Chaos, and Lust

    These are the lurid antics of Loki, God of Mischief, as he does whatever he wants with whomever he wants at the most happening bar/hangout spot in all the Multi-verse... Stan's Place. Marvel, DC Comics, Disney, and even some anime/manga characters will be seen in this massive cross-over of epic proportions! There are laughs and smut to follow!

  • The Amazing Spider-Man: Tangled Webs

    Spider-Man has to deal with not one, not two, but multiple foes… The Sinister Six… as he struggles to balance his home life with Aunt May, selling photos to the Daily Bugle where he meets a certain redheaded amateur reporter named Mary Jane, and a paid internship at Stark Tower where he has been taken under Tony Stark's mentoring wing. How is Peter Parker going to handle this?

  • Siege Tactics

    The time has come to bust down the doors of the Latverian Hydra fort... Will the mission go as planned? Or will unforseen forces create too many problems for Steve Rogers in his latest attempt to save his old friend Bucky? The X-Men and Avengers team up in this action-packed installment.

  • Princes of Asgard: Born to be Kings

    Part I of 'Princes of Asgard' Trilogy Odin's sister Freya is dead... but her new born son, Loki, has been taken to Asgard where Odin shall raise him as his own, as a Prince of Asgard and younger brother to Odin's true born son, Thor. The two boys grow up together learning the skills of their Warrior Culture of Asgard and about how things work with the other Races in other Realms.

  • Loki: Triumphant Part 2

    Loki continues his quest for the Infinity Stones and his plans to dominate his wife by controlling her so that she'll never leave him again. Can he hold on to the power he is gathering or will he lose himself to the madness and darkness in his own soul?

  • Speak of the Devil

    Kurt Wagner is mild mannered and pious... after a recent mission his Humanity is questioned and so he seeks answers from an otherworldly source.

  • Strange Tales PART 1

    Stephen Strange is a single dad who lost his wife years ago in a tragic car accident. Since that night he has vowed to help anyone plagued by the Supernatural as Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme. His life is going smoothly at the moment but an unexpected visit from an certain Trickster puts the Good Doctor on edge. Doctor Strange could wind up losing everything if he isn't careful

  • The Realms United

    (Continuation of my 'Heroes & Villains' series) Many are gathering on Asgard to join and bear witness to the formation of the greatest peace endeavor to ever unite the Nine Realms and all Worlds beyond and in-between. With so many different parties involved... can the peace really last... or will it all end in flames?

  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Logan has killed the woman he loved... of course she went crazy becoming a being known as Phoenix... and now she is in his head. Jean's 'ghost' helps him recall and make sense of his jumbled memories to figure out the greatest puzzle of all... Who is The Wolverine?

  • Captain America: Aftermath

    After the Winter Soldier has struck and Hydra has laid waste to S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve Rogers makes a solemn promise... he will find Bucky and remind his old friend of the good man he really is deep down. Captain Rogers search is going to be far reaching and there isn't any grantee of success, but he has to try.

  • The Budapest Mission

    Agent Barton has gathered all the intel on a Hungarian Human trafficking hub in the city of Budapest. Now it is time for a more 'hands-on' approach so the lovely and deadly Black Widow is sent to aid him... but things don't go as they usually do and a monumental snag may prove deadly to the two agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  • Loki: Triumphant - PART 1

    What would a movie about Marvel's most popular villain be about? ANSWER: Mischief making in the Past, Present, and Future! Now that Loki sits the golden Throne of Asgard in disguise with Thor away, he bides his time and gathers new strength as he plots to beat Thanos, the Fallen Titian, to claiming the six Infinity Stones. But Loki gets a bit more than he bargined for...