Pen Sil

  • Pluviophillia

    Rain is the one type of weather she loves the most for she loves him more than anything. It was under his tender care that she grew into the woman and the person that she is; under his love that she grew beautiful. Like flowers under spring rain.

  • PowerPlay

    If her eyes had not gotten used to the darkness she wouldn't have been able to see him as clearly as she now could. The night sky behind him suited him, as if the weak light of the stars willingly mixed with the light that radiated from him. But their light was not influenced by the sun like the blue sky. Instead they shone with their own power, enveloped by the velvet darkness.

  • In the Shadow of Vinea

    [AU] The Rukh guides him into the city beneath the great Labyrinth and in the shadow he finds more than a corrupt city and a Djinn. He finds a girl of red jade dressed in the clothes of a commoner, who is meant for so much more.

  • Smoke and Illusions

    He smokes and daydreams, and she watches the dreams become reality as the smoke forms illusions on the starry sky above.

  • Salvation

    Between politics, greed and corruption, the battle with Al-Thamen and the curious warnings of the magi she somehow manages to get used to her life in Sindria, to the marriage she never in her wildest dreams imagined would become reality, and the king she loves with far too much strength.

  • Consigliori

    He keeps a step between them so he's flanking her side, but is still a little behind her. He is the consigliori after all, and that will not change. In the Family business their relationship is a holy thing, formed in iron long ago. No matter how they feel about each other privately the relationship between the boss and her consigliori will never change.

  • Depravity

    Was she only born to be a pawn?

  • Attachment

    Attachment means suffering. It isn't only his teachings as a monk that has lead him to that conclusions but his experiences in life as well, from his own life, from what he sees in his comrades. Still, he cannot let go of his attachment to her, or her attachment to him. [Kurotabou x Torii]

  • Groveling

    Slightly AU. There's one thing Sin isn't good at groveling with sincerity, but Kougyoku isn't about to let him off the hook without an apology.

  • Pawn

    For her own peace of mind she'd really rather be his ally than his pawn.

  • Ocean's Allure

    It is his fisherman's blood that makes him unable to ignore her. And it is her heart that loves him like the ocean loves any man dedicated to her.

  • Of Flowers and Freedom

    They are both shackled to their pasts but the difference is that he is obsessed with avenging it and she with running from it.

  • Wishful Thinking

    They both know she loves him too much for her own good.