

  • if Frost had only dreamed of us

    The shadows of her homeland are long and cold and empty. You know she has no words to ask for warmth; you know she's never needed them.

  • lies the ocean whispered

    Some secrets you can only keep for so long. [Pirate!Natasha and merman!Clint.]

  • carnival confab

    Sam had probably heard of stranger things. Then again, it was a text from Fury telling him to attend the Annual Boardwalk Festival on Saturday with the simple instruction, "You'll know me when you see me." 'Probably' was pretty much the best word choice for that.

  • of forests and winter

    There is a wolf inside her heart, a wolf calling through her veins, and she knows the safest thing to do is to keep it there. [Werewolf AU]

  • cherry garcia days

    The Lewis family prescription for feeling poorly: ice cream and bed rest. (Darcy would like to add 'movies' because hello, that's one of the beautiful things about the modern age. God bless Netflix.)

  • compass rose

    A merman!Clint and pirate!Natasha AU, because reasons. Or, Barton's sense of direction is miserable in any universe, period.

  • away, come away

    It's always New York that they keep coming back to. [Fae AU]

  • seek and ye shall find

    Combine one Infinity Gem in the form of a staff, one HYDRA sect interested in said staff, and two teams hellbent on finding the above. Draw out two assassins and stir. Or: Gamora and Natasha have more in common than the company they keep.

  • the spaces we have made for you

    He owes Natasha this, this last step of collecting her life together, this last piece of letting her go.

  • silence is

    She learns quickly and does not forget.

  • one tsp allspice

    Fall, in all its warmth and glory. [Drabble]

  • salvation in a sky of stars

    When the sky is blinding, she wonders what he sees - who she is, or what he's lost. Wing!fic.

  • forced family fun

    Family dinners are always a spectacle in the Avengers Tower.

  • goddesses of war and sword

    She wages a battle on more fronts than one. [Rule 63!Steve/63!Bucky. Drabble]

  • all about the balls

    A night out on the town, Team America style. [Drabble]

  • drops of jupiter

    Some things you learn to take on faith. Natasha hasn't had many things she can say that for, but Clint's stubbornness and Coulson's determination are legendary. Now she'll learn if both can get them through this night.

  • break bread at my table

    People fear what they don't understand; it's a human thing. But then again, so is trust. Or: A glimpse into the friendship of Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff.

  • biohazard girls

    What is it inside her that makes her valuable - Extremis, or who she is?

  • expectant

    Liho is having kittens, and Natasha's not taking it as calmly as Clint would have expected.

  • you and I will be safe

    They are driven to protect, to guard, to keep the world - and each other - safe. Three variations on a Maria & Sam bodyguard AU.