
  • Ho Ho Oh No!

    A Tale of Christmas Past: remember the ugly sweater party? Well, you ain't seen nothing yet! Dean's choice of party sweater is . . . somewhat questionable.

  • Scenes from a Tower

    Sequel to 2013. More scenes of everyday life in and around Avengers Tower. Ch. 11: Tony and Loki have another late-night ice cream session, this time involving loud cartoons and disturbing dreams.

  • Dancing on My Own

    Just a funny little thing that popped into my head. And I can't get it out!

  • The Not-So-Great Outdoors

    Dragged along on a weekend camping trip by his father and brother, Dexter tries to make the best of it. But there's no cable, Freakazoid won't leave him alone, and . . . what's that scary howling in the distance? Happy summer, everyone!

  • Frog vs Clown

    Edgar's three-year-old daughter receives a cursed toy, and now it's up to Daddy to save her before she becomes a victim of the Demon Clown on the Rampage! However, it's not as easy as you might think, even for an experienced hunter.

  • Coppers are Alike All Over

    An inter-dimensional accident triggered by a pair of explosions sends Vimes, Carrot, Angua, and Nobby into our world, and Hotch, Morgan, Garcia, and Reid to Ankh-Morpork. Now each team is working the other's case . . . and trying to find a way home.