
  • Framed: Remastered

    Humphrey's life was perfect. He had a good family and a loving mate, but his life takes a turn for the worst when he is convicted for the murder of a family. He is exiled from the pack, but will he be able to survive on his own?

  • Misadventures of A Time Travling Trio

    Kate and Humphrey are living a happy normal life in the forest of Jasper. But what happens when a strange wolf appears out of nowhere and isn't even a wolf at all. Follow the amazing adventures that Humphrey and Kate have with their new found friend. Oh, did I mention that their new friend is a time traveler?

  • Return to Jasper

    After being away from Jasper Park for 4 years, Humphrey and Kate decide its time to return. But not all will be the same as it was when they left. Sequal to 'LOVE from you is all I need.'

  • Of Darkness and Light

    117 years into the future, Jasper has fallen to darkness, Sal has escaped, and only one wolf can save everyone. Sequal to 'Humphrey and His Life'.

  • The Road to Paradise

    It is the end of Humphrey's life, his time has finally expired. Now what happend after his death. A little cut-off story from Humphrey and his life asked from many people for me to write.

  • A Better Future

    Set nine years after Humphrey left Jasper, he finally returns home. Why does he return after so long? What will he find to be knew and what is the same? Finally, how many old friends will he run in to. Read to find out! Sequal to 'Misery to a Good Life!

  • I Love You to Death

    How much do you love your significant other. How far would you go to prove that love, and if necessary would you lay down your own life just for them.

  • love from you is all I need

    When sadness and depression beat you down, there is only one cure. Love. One-shot

  • The Rebels of Jasper Park

    Pack law states that Alphas and Omegas are not to be with one another, but what happens when that law is broken. Will destruction follow or will a solution be found before full out war breaks out. Read to find out