A series of short, but revealing conversations. Rhonda Boney/Jim Gilpin
Something happens the night before Layla's wedding. Layla/Warren.
Post-series finale. Tyra breaks it down for Will.
Owen and Michael get into a weird pissing contest. Things get a little out of hand.
Dean meets the other Loki. One-shot.
With a partner like Ichabod Crane, you discover new things every day. Abbie/Ichabod.
Rebecca learns something. One-shot. Rebecca/Paul
It is a house in the suburbs. A tidy front yard. Painted shutters. It's Jean. It is the worst night of the worst decade. Sentinels everywhere.
Always expect a syringe to the neck.
Debra isn't happy about the ending she got. One-shot. Post season 8. Spoilers.
Stiles has taken it upon himself to cheer Derek up over the summer. Chapter 34: Derek grabbed his hand to guide him in the right direction and for a second they were absolutely holding hands. Then Derek seemed to realise what he was doing and quickly let go. 'You're right,' Stiles said, smirking. 'Let's not do this dirty handholding business in front of people.'
Post-season 3. Carrie 'fundamentally incapable of being happy' Mathison tries her hardest to resist what Quinn is offering her.
Two-parter. Christian tells Ray about his need to protect Ana. Ray acts accordingly. Beware: I'm not a FSoG fan.
For once it isn't his own mouth that gets Stiles into trouble. Yay? Derek/Stiles
Beware: I'm not a FSoG fan. One-shot. Takes place after Fifty Shades Freed.
Life is not like the movie Speed. Or, how Steve behaves like a madman yet again.
Wherein Endeavour is a bit clueless and Joan is a bit manipulative. (Inspired by the story Help by Shakespeareanfish) Endeavour/Joan
Derek figures out the Nogitsune. The Nogitsune figures out Derek. Short one-shot. AU-ish. Derek/Stiles
Oliver/Felicity one-shot. Excerpt: 'You always keep your arms away from your body a little. Like a Ken doll. Sorry. I mean, like an action figure,' Felicity said.
There's no wrong time to do the right thing. Holder/Linden