
  • It was written in the stars

    Elladora Black, the third and last child of Walburga and Orion, runs from home to escape the threat of a loveless marriage. She returns months later, heavily pregnant and in labor. Never did the two find out who the father of little Astra was. Rating may change as the story progresses.

  • The Vanishing of Amara Potter

    Lord Voldemort likes beautiful things, so he steals them and makes them his. Whether they be cups, lockets or teenage witches. Amarantha loves many things, but being abducted is not one of them. FemHarry/Voldemort(TomRiddle) M for future smut and explicitness.

  • Awe

    "I just thought… that this is a new opportunity. A new beginning." Marvolo stayed silent for a while, smelling the flowery scent of her shampoo in her hair. "It is." OneShot, FemHarry/TomMarvoloRiddle Not related to tVoAP

  • Every action got a reaction

    Nachdem Gideon den dummsten Fehler begangen hat, flieht gwenny nach Phönix. Dort findet sie bei Rénee Unterschlupf(jetzt lass uns mal so machen als ob si noch in Phönix wohnt), eine gute alte Freundin von Grace. Bella, Rénee' s verheiratete Tochter, kommt für 2 Wochen zu Besuch und trifft ihre Sandkastenfreundin verheult in ihrem Bett. Die Cullen's tun alles um sie aufzumuntern.