
  • The Title That Gives No Indication as to What the Story May Contain

    A love story. Also a story of epic battles and sharp wit. Also none of these things. Time is explored as a subject, then dismissed. There are wizards, robots, and dinosaurs. Read it if you dare, or don't if you feel like you have better things to do with your time.

  • Scorpius' Day Off

    Scorpius goes to Hogwarts for his first year, but has trouble fitting in. Luckily, the young, buxom Rose Weasley is there to help relieve the lonesomeness. Unfortunately, her male relatives have intentions of a far more aggressive nature. Rated M for potty mouth.

  • This is not a Pipedream

    Voldemort summons various villains from around the universe to help him come up with a plan to kill Harry Potter.

  • Key Party: The Struggle For A Muggle

    Draco is in love with Hermione. He decides to try and win her hand (plus other body parts) with an impressive party. But what happens when his plans go awry? New friendships form, old standards are broken. People have sex.

  • Harry Potter and the Quintuple Wizard Tournament

    Harry Potter embarks on his fourth year at Hogwarts along with his friends. They (maybe) make new friends from several other schools. Also Harry deals with Sweeney Todd-like obsession in regards to his true nemesis. There will be blood. And food. And Maybe some kind of mixup of both.

  • Buttercup Vs The New World Order

    Times are changing and Buttercup has to get with it or get swept aside. She is outnumbered by her enemies. Her allies can't be trusted. And worst of all, she's out of practice! She'll have to join forces with the unlikeliest (though unsurprising) people if she wants to have any hope of restoring order.

  • Every Rose Has Its Bones

    Rose Weasley is in charge of the school. She wants to dance (sort of), but is willing to sacrifice any who get in her way to see this dream to fruition. Only Scorpius has a chance of stopping her.

  • The Sorcerer's Pet Rock

    A different perspective on Harry's first year at Hogwarts. That perspective being one of an Idiot's. Don't expect any of the characters to act as they did in the books, movies, or your fantasies. Read and/or review (we know you're super swamped sometimes).

  • Once Upon a Summer's Day I Missed My Train

    A delightful trek through the woods is only so if you intended to trek through the woods. But our brilliant hero makes the most of her situation in the woods by being there. Woods you like to be my friend? . . . Anyone?

  • Mirror Mirror

    The coldest night are often such because of the low temperatures. Sirius finds that out the only way man can. Also, there's a snake.