
  • But He Refused

    It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a, butterfly's wing can ultimately cause, a typhoon halfway around the world, where the world can change and begin anew. In which the fight between Oz and Cinder ends not quite as expected.

  • Can He Be Forgiven?

    Sirius made a mistake. He knows without a shadow of a doubt that he cocked up big time when he told Snape about what may lay beneath the Whomping Willow. And he's sorry, Sirius is so sorry. He never meant for this to happen, never meant it to have gone as far as it did. But the question remains- Will Remus forgive ever him? (Set two months after the Prank, no wolfstar)

  • X-Men: Days Where They Hugged

    When you're family you hug, it's just how it is, when your two mutants, one who's a telepath and one who moves metal, who spend more time together two men should, who think of each as brothers (though they only have known one another for a short time) they're not afraid to admit that they've hugged once... or five times, well at least Charles isn't. No slash whatsoever! R&R!Please

  • The Age Change Way

    How would something be if a character was a bit younger then how he was originally? How would they handle the situation? The danger. My take on what happened if Yugi was a little young then what he was suppose to be. Please R&R! :3 sorry if the Title is a little strange.

  • Desperate Embrace

    It's been three months since my life altering battle with Naruto, three months since I realized what a complete idiot I was being in the past. But to me the most important thing was that it has been three months since Itachi came back. AU from Naruto Manga Chapter 700. R&R Please!

  • My ímαgínαrч fríєnd Is Really My Uncle

    "After causing him so much pain the least I can do is look after his daughter." Instead of moving on, like he was before, Itachi decided to stay behind as a spirit and look after his otouto's little girl, Sarada Uchiha.

  • Fond Memories, My Brother

    Memories. Good, peaceful memories. They are the most precious thing a person that has had a tragic life or experience happen to them. You can look back and remember that... things were good at one point. Even if at the time, they didn't look or feel that way. Brotherly fluff. R&R please.

  • The Words That Were Never Spoken

    "I'm sorry for the words unsaid. I'm sorry I left you for dead. My word is nothing, locked in here. My sanity has disappeared." Sirius gagged when he heard that verse, he couldn't listen anymore. He stood up abruptly, so fast that he knocked the chair over, it hit the floor with a loud BANG! Song!Fic, please R&R!

  • Can I be Forgiven?

    Sirius has made a mistake, he knows that he has messed up big time. He's sorry, Sirius is so sorry. But the question remains- Will Remus forgive him? Set two months after the Prank, where Sirius almost get Snape killed. NO SLASH!

  • Their Roles Switched

    What if something happen to make Charles snap, to make him want to do the very things he has always been against: to Kill, to take revenge. To obsess and not give up until that person has paid...And what if that something was caused by his step-brother Cain?

  • Losing Way & Coming Back

    Two months after the incident in Cuba, Erik hasn't regretted what he's done, he believes he did the right thing. How will he feel when he realizes that his actions in Cuba cost Charles his legs.

  • Checkmate, Cheating, Chess Game

    A Chess moment between Charles and Erik a couple of weeks after they come the Mansion. No slash whatsoever.

  • Bring The Tortured Boy Home

    I couldn't believe I was going back to Gotham after what happened to me, what I tried to do, all because ROY forgot something there, seriously Roy? If we get caught your dead! Sorry about the lame title! First time writing for this category so Please Read and Review! Rated J for Jason Language! XD

  • Papa: Baelfire's Memories

    Bae came to the realization that his Papa wasn't coming back, he was gone. For good this time, he was dead. As he cried for the man he knew he would never see again. He couldn't help recalling all the memories he shared with him. Past and Present ones.