
  • The Barber of Hogwarts

    Does Hogwarts have barbering facilities? Some of the students might wish it not to be so after their first trim from this barber.

  • Never trust a Redhead

    Dean goes looking for Ginny after 'The Battle of Hogwarts' what he finds changes the future of the Weasleys a bit.

  • Getting to School a Different Way

    What might have happened if Harry hadn't gone with Ron in the car to get to Hogwarts before second year. Will have Weasley bashing in upcoming chapters.

  • Muggle Day

    Harry and Hermione being from the non-magical world feel it necessary to expose their children to the world that they grew up in to make sure that they had a rounded education of what the world really is like. Also to keep their children from having the standard reaction to the non-magical world that so many of their contemporaries have.

  • Harry Potter Takes on the World

    My version of Rorschach Blot's "Make a Wish" done with permission of the author. Will be multi paring down the line.

  • The Problem with Horcruxes

    During the final battle Harry explains to Voldemort how the wizards plans to achieve immortality wouldn't be working the way the man thought. With an epilogue.

  • Hermione's Pity Party

    Why, in the Harry Potter books, did no one comment on the fact that Hermione doesn't actually know how to write a paper correctly. This story addresses that. Slight Hermione bashing, nothing too mean.

  • To Protect Harry From Beyond the Grave

    Lily, understanding that her and James could die at any minute set up a protection on Harry that reacts 'interestedly' when he finally arrives at Hogwarts. Dumbledore and Snape bashing, minor Weasley bashing.

  • The Fallout

    What happened after Ron reveals the Wizarding world in 'Why Pureblood Wizards shouldn't go to the Olympics'. The Wizarding perspective. Now containing the Muggle version. Might write more if i get any more ideas.

  • The Use of Snakes To Look For The Fountian of Youth

    ... isn't Advised In Florida at Least. Short story examining what might happen if Voldemort were to send Nagini to search for the Fountain of Youth/Longevity during that states annual snake hunting festival and the fall out of what might happen. First chapter just history and set up. Unknown update schedule.

  • Harry Potter and the Quidditch Adoption

    Concerned about Harry and wishing to protect him from enemies he may not know he has the Gryffindor quidditch teams puts in to play a plan that ends up changing an number of peoples plans. With a revamped and fixed first chapter.

  • Go Tell Everybody

    Hermione's death leads Harry onto a new path on his life that greatly improves it. Weasley bashing.

  • Why Pureblood Wizards shouldn't go to the Olympics

    Ron slips about the Wizarding world when his and Harry's family go to the 2012 Olymipics. Harry is called to account soon after. Mild Weasley bashing. Don't like don't read.