
  • The Calm Before the Storm

    Leatherhead couldn't help but smile in the relaxing atmosphere, enjoying the company of his friend after years of isolation in Dimension X. Sitting here in the grungy kitchen listening to Michelangelo catch him up on everything he'd missed made him realize just how lonely it had been. (Takes place after the 2012 episode Into Dimension X.)

  • A Little Less Noise

    When the peaceful quiet of the night is interrupted by Mikey bringing home a constantly meowing, two week old kitten, Donnie tries to warn him that the chances of it's survival are slim and that he shouldn't get too attached. But the heart doesn't always agree with the head.

  • I'll Look After You

    "You gotta help him." Holding up the blanket, Raph gently placed it on Donnie's cluttered desk and pulled back the corners, revealing what had been wrapped inside. There sat a small turtle splattered with mud, his head and legs partially drawn into his shell.

  • Bombs Away

    April comes bearing gifts, and Mikey can't wait to try them. Unfortunately the bathroom might need a good cleaning by the time he's through with it.

  • Vengeance

    He had won. Hamato Yoshi was dead and the Turtles were at his mercy. He would make sure that they paid for what they did to him dearly. (Rated M for violence, gore, dark themes, and mild language.)

  • Quiet Morning

    Some mornings are a time for celebration. Others are a time for sorrow. And then there are some that are a time for both.

  • Childish Secrets

    Amongst the various childhood photos in Mikey's photo album was a note, a letter to the youngest turtle from Santa himself. But April couldn't help but notice that the handwriting and grammar seemed awfully childish. (Companion piece to "Sleep in Heavenly Peace". Takes place directly following "Solo".)

  • I Dare You

    Perhaps this time he'd be spared. Perhaps this time his baby brother would find someone else to pick on. But somehow the anxious turtle knew that over the past couple of years since they'd discovered this embarrassment of a pastime, he'd become Mikey's favorite, and being Mikey's favorite Truth or Dare target was not a title Raph was thrilled to have.

  • Friday Night Fights

    Friday night in New York City. The perfect time for pizza gyoza and a Purple Dragon beat down. (Takes place after the 2012 episode The Pulverizer.)

  • A New Perspective

    Sidelined with a cold, all Leo wants to do is watch some Space Heroes to distract himself for a while. But after the past few months, he can't help but see it with different eyes, for better or for worse. (Takes place after the 2012 episode The Wrath of Tiger Claw.)

  • Nothing I Won't Do

    It was a trap, but it wasn't as if the three turtles didn't know what they were getting into. A near endless supply of Footbots, Rahzar, Fishface, and even Shredder himself had come to greet them. Only Tiger Claw was missing, but they all knew exactly where he was and who he was with. (Rated T for violence and mild gore.)

  • Ninjas Don't Wear Bracelets

    "Raph! Raph! Check this out!" With a heavy sigh, Raph lowered his magazine and turned his head to find Mikey excitedly jogging over to him. He had something clasped tightly in his right hand, but it was too small for him to figure out what it was. Probably just another prank. But for once his instincts were wrong. Oops.

  • Protector

    When the team splits up to find two mutagen canisters, the mission goes awry as Raph and Mikey run into more trouble than they bargained for. Raph's only thought is to protect his family, but there are some problems you shouldn't try to take on alone. (Takes place before the 2012 episode Fungus Humongous.)

  • Solo

    While looking through an old photo album with Mikey, April learns something about Raph she never knew before. Now she's determined to see it for herself, even if it means confronting him at his moodiest.

  • Empty Fish Tank

    It wasn't a panicky sort of "wrong". His heart beat was steady, and no ominous sounds or shadows crept from the far corners of the room or beyond. But no matter how he tried to ignore it, there was this constant nagging at the back of his mind of something not being quite right.

  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace

    A small, three room lair is no place to raise four quickly growing turtles. But even the best of changes take some getting used to, and not everyone is suitably prepared to face them. It's a good thing family watches out for one another.

  • I Think There's Supposed to be a Wall There

    Just because they're on opposite sides of a dimensional portal doesn't mean they can't hear each other. It's too bad the 1987 Turtles are simply making no sense. Apparently no one taught them "as a guest, you abide by the house rules". (Takes place during the 2012 episode The Manhattan Project.)