
  • Harry Potter and Hogwarts reads Philosopher's Stone REPOST

    Hogwarts plus some familiar and not-so-familiar guests read Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone. THIS IS A REPOST, the original was deleted

  • Harry Potter and Hogwarts reads Chamber of Secrets REPOST

    sequel to HP & Hogwarts read PS, you probably need to read that one first so that all of this makes sense.

  • Hogwarts reads Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Sequel to Hogwarts reads Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone. you do really need to read that one first because it fills in the background to this one

  • Hogwarts reads Harry Potter

    staff and students, along with a few guests, read the harry potter books. i know it has been done before but this one has some (possibly) unexpected surprises.