
  • Kryptonite

    Zevran will always be intrigued by the woman he wasn't able to kill. Story prompted by the Antivan boots gift. Slight Fem!Cousland/Zevran if that floats your boat.

  • The End Of All Things

    Not part of All Is Golden Universe. Cailan and Rome grew up inseparable, eventually falling in love. Love wouldn't be such a problem if Cailan wasn't already promised to the daughter of his father's best friend. Rome would always love Cailan, and she learns that sometimes love just isn't enough. Cailan/Cousland.

  • When I Look In Her Eyes I Just See The Skies

    AU. Based very, very loosely on the lore of the Ocarina of Time. Rome Cousland is the princess of Ferelden, and Alistair is one of the few Grey Wardens, a society that stays very well hidden within the society of Ferelden. A darkness is spreading over the country and the only warning they have is the dreams of a elven woman. Most likely a one-shot.

  • I Want To Break Free

    Follows the lore of the Darkspawn Chronicles. Zevran dies, and instead of an eternity of nothing, he gets a welcome home. Cousland/Alistair, and one sided Zevran/Cousland(if you squint).